Attached (HERE)Informative Circular 1/2024, of the General Council of Notaries, on Foreign Investments. It details the novelties introduced by Order HFP/115/2023, of February 9, which determines the countries and territories, as well as the detrimental tax regimes, which are considered as non-cooperative jurisdictions (HERE), which came into force on February 1, 2024.
This order (which implements Royal Decree 571/2023, referred to in a previous Newsletter) sets out the forms for the processing and declaration of foreign investments in Spain and Spanish investments abroad. As a reminder, it should be pointed out that said regulation establishes, depending on the case, a declaration or authorization regime (in the case of the declaration, its absence does not affect the validity of the operation, while, in the case of authorization, its absence does affect its validity). In the attached Circular, the specific cases in which the declaration or authorization is required are detailed.
Procedure to take into account in operations where prior declaration is required:
- The foreign investor who is going to formalize the transaction before a notary must, prior to the signing, complete, under his sole responsibility, the corresponding declaration in AFORIX(see attached HERE manual with a summary of the procedure to be carried out by the non-resident holder).
- If the grantor has filled in the corresponding form and provides the Notary's office, at the time of signing, the corresponding electronic files, the Notary's office must check that the essential data of the electronic file delivered coincide with those of the deed or policy to be signed (HERE a manual with the procedure to be followed at the Notary's Office is attached). Once this verification has been carried out, the form must be printed and incorporated into the deed, so that, once the deed has been signed, the Notary must send the information provided, through the notary's electronic office, to the General Council of Notaries, who in turn will send it to the Investment Registry.
- If the grantor does not deliver the file at the moment of signature, the Notary will leave record of it in the deed, with the opportune warnings. If the file is provided later, the Notary will record it by means of diligence, proceeding to carry out the same steps described above.
- Also attached are models of external investment clauses to be included in the deeds, as the case may be (HERE).
Procedure to take into account in operations where express authorization is required:
In the attached circular the operations subject to this express authorization are detailed(for example, investments of residents in non-EU countries that imply a 10% or more of a Spanish company, if the object of the investment is, among others, critical infrastructures, critical technologies, energy supplies, sectors of access to sensitive information, or means of communication) In these cases, the Notary is obliged to inform the applicants of the need to obtain this express authorization, denying the authorization of the public document until the same is not obtained.