Illustration by Jesús Benavides Lima

Notarial blog and other practical content

Don't look for any legal master classes in this blog. Just simple answers to different legal situations in which any person may find him/herself in the course of his/her life.
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How long does it take for my deed to be registered in the Land Registry?
Real estate and mortgage
Discover the deadlines to be taken into account when registering your right in the Land Registry.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
How can I help my child buy his or her first primary residence?
Real estate and mortgage
It is becoming more and more common for young people to require the help of their immediate family members in order to be able to access their first home.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
New ICO guarantees for home purchase start up
Real estate and mortgage
Find out the latest news on the launch of the new ICO guarantees for the purchase of a home
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Real estate and mortgage
Why are more and more people becoming domestic partners?
Discover the recent changes, as well as the many doubts and queries generated by the figure of the unmarried partner in Spain.
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Top 20 community of neighbors queries
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I answer the many questions about common and everyday situations that occur in communities of neighbors.
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Real estate and mortgage
What is a notarial real estate auction?
Real estate and mortgage
In this article we will try to analyze what notarial real estate auctions are, what types exist, how they are regulated and what is the procedure to be followed.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
 If I am married, do I need the consent of the other spouse to buy and mortgage, on my own, the family's primary residence?
Real estate and mortgage
Discover the new rules for those cases in which it is one of the spouses or partners who acquires the property alone.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
 New guarantees to finance the "down payment" of your home
Real estate and mortgage
Last Tuesday, February 13, 2024, the Council of Ministers approved an agreement to create a line of guarantees. Discover all the key points and its requirements.
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Real estate and mortgage
What's new 2024 in mortgage commissions
Real estate and mortgage
We begin the year 2024 with relevant novelties regarding mortgage commissions, especially for those debtors who are thinking of early amortization of their mortgage loans.
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Real estate and mortgage
10 key ideas to understand the new law on the digitalization of notaries
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This end of 2023 brings us, as a great novelty, the entry into force of Law 11/2023, which, in the notarial field, means the introduction of great novelties.
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What formalities do I have to do with the bank when I accept an inheritance with money?
Inheritance and donations
Banking procedures are one of the main concerns of heirs. Discover the important keys.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
What you should know if you are going to buy an off-plan or new construction home
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Discover the essential requirements and guarantees to take into account when buying a new building.
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Real estate and mortgage
The novel concept of "de facto guardianship" and its practical application in day-to-day life
The de facto guardianship is the star measure of protection chosen by the legislator, thus responding to a sociological reality in this area, that is, the fact that in most cases, it is the family environment (parents, children, siblings, etc.) who provide support and assistance to disabled persons.
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The importance of deadlines in the legal world: How are they computed?
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There are many examples in which legal deadlines are key factors for the proper exercise of our rights. A proper understanding of this reality becomes key and very important for citizens.
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Domestic Partnership in Spain. The updated guide for 2023
Discover the requirements and obligations of forming a Domestic Partnership in Spain. This complete guide offers you everything you need to know to understand the current laws and procedures.
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What happens when there is no reference value? What value do I have to declare at the time of liquidating the Transfer Tax?
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Since the entry into force of the famous "reference value" at the beginning of 2022, as a key element for calculating the ITP taxable base in the sale and purchase of real estate, the taxation of these transactions has been greatly simplified.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
How can I rectify an error in the square meters of my apartment registered in the Land Registry?
Real estate and mortgage
It is common to find apartments registered in the Land Registry, whose dimensions or description do not correspond to their physical reality. We explain you how to rectify it.
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Real estate and mortgage
The electronic public document: Basic concepts to handle
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In a few months, Spain will experience a true revolution in the notarial sector, thanks to the implementation of the electronic protocol and the possibility of granting public documents telematically.
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The importance of the Land Registry in Spain and its reflection through informative simple notes
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The Spanish real estate market is one of the most dynamic in the world, partly thanks to the great system of preventive legal security that exists thanks to the Notaries and Property Registrars.
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Real estate and mortgage
What identification documents can I bring to the Notary to sign my deed?
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One of the most common questions that many clients ask us, is everything related to what document or documents they should bring. Here we explain everything.
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Did you know that... to become a notary it is necessary to have a law degree and then study a tough competition?
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Access to the Spanish Notary's Office is through a competitive examination system, in which the best candidates are selected to take part in the corresponding selective processes to obtain the title of Notary Public.
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Did you know that... notaries are not allowed to advertise?
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Although it may seem somewhat strange, Notaries, given their status as public officials, have strict limitations on advertising or marketing activities.
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Did you know that... notaries always keep all notarial documents that are signed before them?
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When a citizen executes a deed, he/she should know that the original of the public instrument he/she signs, which is called the parent deed, will be incorporated into the notarial protocol of that Notary Public.
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Did you know what... a notary is needed and useful for in Spain?
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The Notary Public is a public official whose main mission is to provide society with what is known as preventive legal security.
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Did you know that... notaries are not only civil servants but also self-employed professionals?
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The Notary, in addition to being a civil servant, is a legal professional, so that, unlike the vast majority of civil servants, he/she does not receive any amount from the State.
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Did you know that... notaries have a territorial limit for signing?
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Each Notary Public, by law and based on his or her appointment, is assigned to a locality, so that he or she is only empowered to give public faith within the locality to which he or she is assigned.
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Did you know that... if you do not agree with the professional performance of a notary public, you can file a complaint with his or her Notary Association?
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Notaries, as public officials, within the framework of their performance, must comply with the law in force, otherwise, they are exposed to the imposition of serious sanctions.
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Did you know that... notaries travel to sign outside their notary offices?
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In some cases the notary may travel to sign outside his office. We tell you all the details about it.
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Did you know that... there is a notary on call for emergency cases on holidays and weekends?
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In urgent cases you can count on a notary outside normal office hours. We tell you all the details.
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Did you know that... the opening hours of a notary's office, as well as its holiday periods, may be different?
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The opening hours of the notary's office can be freely fixed by the notary. We explain it in detail, as well as the vacation issue.
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Did you know that... all notaries should be paid the same?
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Clients who go to the Notary's office to sign a public document must pay the Notary the corresponding amounts, which take the legal form of a fee.
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Did you know... you can choose the notary you want?
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Any person interested in executing a public document before a notary may choose from among the 3,000 notaries in Spain.
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When I buy a property, can I claim damages discovered after the purchase from the seller?
Real estate and mortgage
Discover a practical guide in case you encounter damages after the sale of your property.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Do you want to understand better and in more detail than that of incorporating a company with 1 euro?
The so-called "create and grow" law introduces options to create a company in an ultra-fast way. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages here.
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What is this about the new "Startups" law?
Find out about all the current aspects that any interested party should take into account when starting a new emerging or innovative business project.
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Practical guide to support measures for troubled mortgagors
Real estate and mortgage
Discover several interesting measures that have been launched to support mortgagors in financial distress.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Why do I have to wait 10 days to sign my mortgage? And in Catalonia, why is it 14 days?
Real estate and mortgage
The current legislation is designed to protect the mortgagor. Find out here about the deadlines to take into account when signing your mortgage.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
If you have an adjustable rate mortgage, these legislative changes are of interest to you.
Real estate and mortgage
Learn about the new regulations that were urgently approved on 11/23/2022 and that impact mortgage debtors.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
How to obtain your NIF at a notary's office
With the new regulations you will now be able to apply for your NIF quickly, easily and simply at any Notary's office in Spain. Find more information in this article.
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Practical guide: Reference value: What is it and what is it for?
Real estate and mortgage
Since the entry into force of the "reference value" at the beginning of the year 2022, this issue is one of the ones that generates the most doubts and queries. We explain what it is and what it is for.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Why does the bank force me to hire your agency to process my purchase and sale and mortgage loan?
Real estate and mortgage
In our day to day we often receive this question from customers who come to sign their mortgage loan in the process of closing their sale. We explain all the details.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Be proactive and plan your digital legacy
Inheritance and donations
Who will receive access to my WhatsApp or Tinder account once I pass away? Questions like these should be planned for in a digital will.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Limitations on cash payments
Discover current regulations and limitations on cash payments in Spain
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Capital increase with contribution of real estate assets
Discover the tax implications of a capital increase with a non-cash contribution such as real estate.
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The "Hague" apostille. What is it and what is it for?
Proceedings and powers of attorney
Find out what the "Hague" apostille is and how it can benefit you if you travel abroad.
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Proceedings and powers of attorney
Proceedings and powers of attorney
What are the differences between an S.L. and an S.A.?
Learn about the characteristics and major differences between a limited company and a public limited company.
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Practical guide for notarized authorization of travel with minors
Proceedings and powers of attorney
It is becoming more and more common for minors to travel alone or accompanied by third parties. You will find here the practical guide for their notarized authorization.
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Proceedings and powers of attorney
Proceedings and powers of attorney
Practical guide to create an SL quickly and easily
Find out about the characteristics, requirements, advantages and steps to follow to incorporate a limited liability company.
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I want to start a business: what is better to be self-employed or to incorporate a company?
One of the big questions when it comes to entrepreneurship is the legal form through which the activity will be developed. Discover here the advantages of being self-employed or incorporating a company.
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I want to buy a building in Barcelona as an investment... Watch out, with the rights of first refusal of the Catalan administration!
Real estate and mortgage
Find out what rights are recognized by the Catalan autonomous regulations when certain transfers take place, with special reference to the rights of first refusal in the case of the sale of leased housing.
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Real estate and mortgage
What is the declaration of potentially polluting soil activities and how does it affect my property?
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The new Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy introduces a set of reforms that we explain in this article.
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Real estate and mortgage
What's new in 2022 regarding domestic partnerships?
The Supreme Court has had the opportunity to issue a ruling in March 2022, in which it once again recalls the importance of properly formalizing this institution.
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Is it a good time to switch my mortgage to another bank?
Real estate and mortgage
Here you will find a practical guide with information of interest to take into account when considering the possibility of changing your mortgage bank.
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Real estate and mortgage
Plan your future: just as preventive medicine exists, so does preventive law.
Proceedings and powers of attorney
Find the actions that any person should take to ensure that, in the future, his or her person and property will be properly cared for.
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Proceedings and powers of attorney
Proceedings and powers of attorney
What is the legitimate share?  And what is more important, to keep in mind its possible tax implications when receiving it.
Inheritance and donations
In this brief article I will explain the tax implications for the heirs depending on how this payment of the legitimate is carried out by the heir.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Practical guide (step by step) for inheritance proceedings
Inheritance and donations
A simple and practical guide for any interested party to know how to proceed to accept and process the corresponding inheritance.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Brief compilation of the tax advantages or benefits that currently exist for primary residences.
In this brief article I explain in an understandable way all the benefits or tax advantages that nowadays according to our tax legislation on the habitual residence.
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The notary's judgment of capacity: More important than ever!
The year 2021 has brought us a true revolution in our legal system to protect the weakest when it comes to exercising their rights and obligations.
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Parents who want to help their children with the purchase of their first home: Possible formulas and their consequences
Real estate and mortgage
I will explain the three main ways in which parents can help their children to obtain the necessary financing for the purchase of their primary residence, providing, for this purpose, "extra guarantees".
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
How is the extinction of a condominium taxed?
Several people can share a property, but what happens to the taxation when this community is dissolved? I explain here the effects with practical examples.
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Why and how the new tax reform affects us when buying, donating or inheriting a real estate property
We inform you about the tax reform that modifies the rules for calculating the taxable base of the Transfer Tax and the Inheritance and Gift Tax.
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"The NEW municipal capital gain"
Find out about all the aspects to take into account in relation to the new regulation of the tax popularly known as "plusvalia municipal" in the light of all the facts and regulatory reforms that have recently taken place in 2021.
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Present and future of the incorporation of companies
Find out about all the current, present and future aspects that any interested party should take into account when incorporating a company or acquiring an existing one.
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What happened to DIAGONAL NOTARY 550 in Barcelona?
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The brand Notaria Diagonal 550 has ceased to exist as such. From now on, notarial procedures will be handled differently. Find here all the related information.
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If you wish, you can now take the oath or promise of Spanish nationality before a notary public.
Proceedings and powers of attorney
Find out here about all the steps you must take to obtain the nationality and about the new possibility of taking the oath before a notary.
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Proceedings and powers of attorney
Proceedings and powers of attorney
Early mortgage cancellation and financial loss. That great unknown
Real estate and mortgage
Find here all the information about fees or compensation that you must pay to your financial institution when you pay off your mortgage early.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Same-sex marriage in Spain and the possibility of getting married before a notary public today.
The 21st century undoubtedly began and continues with great advances in the civil sphere, a clear example of which is gay marriage in Spain and the possibility of getting married today before a notary.
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Limitations on the transfer of real estate in the city of Barcelona: Right of first refusal and withdrawal of the Catalan administration.
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The real estate market in Catalonia, and specifically in the city of Barcelona, is increasingly facing more and more regulatory limitations or restrictions. In this brief article we comment on all the points to take into account.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
I am thinking of buying or selling a rented property... what rights does the tenant have?
Real estate and mortgage
The purpose of this article is to set out all the issues that both buyer and seller must take into account in the event that the property being transferred is leased to a third party.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
I want to buy a house on which there is a mortgage and I want to cancel it... How should I proceed and who assumes the costs of this cancellation?
Real estate and mortgage
This is one of the issues that generates the most nervousness and interest in the parties involved in a real estate sale and purchase, especially in the home buyer.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Do I "always" have to pay municipal capital gains tax when I sell my home?
Real estate and mortgage
Everything you need to know about municipal capital gains tax [Impuesto sobre el Incremento de Valor de los Terrenos de Naturaleza Urbana] when you sell your home.
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Real estate and mortgage
Who pays IBI [Real Estate Tax] in the year in which the sale takes place?
Real estate and mortgage
Find out all the information about this issue that often causes confusion among the parties to a deed of sale.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
The certificate of debts with the community of owners
Real estate and mortgage
All relevant information about the certificate of debts with the homeowners' association.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
What is the Energy Efficiency Certificate?
Real estate and mortgage
We explain all the details to take into account about the Energy Efficiency Certificate of a property.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
What is the certificate of suitability of the building?
Real estate and mortgage
We inform you about the technical inspections to take into account in order to obtain a building's certificate of suitability
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
What is the certificate of occupancy?
Real estate and mortgage
What is the cédula de habitabilidad and how can it be obtained? We inform you about all the important features.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Old controversy on mortgage cancellation: How should the notary charge it and who should assume its cost: debtor or bank?
Real estate and mortgage
Understand what the cancellation of your mortgage registration is, how it is done and how much it will cost you.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Real estate appraisal: The importance of getting it right when applying for a mortgage loan
Real estate and mortgage
A mortgage appraisal is a valuation of a property. Through this valuation, the financial institution knows the value of the property that guarantees the repayment of the loan.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
The taxation of a mortgage loan throughout its life: constitution, novation, subrogation and cancellation
Real estate and mortgage
The formalization of a mortgage loan by a financial entity is a transaction subject to and exempt from VAT, which is taxed by Stamp Duty (AJD).
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Get the right information on bank fees before signing your mortgage loan
Real estate and mortgage
This article aims to explain in depth the possible bank fees that appear in a mortgage loan contract formalized before a notary.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Making a will in Catalonia in times of coronavirus (alternatives to the open will before a notary)
Inheritance and donations
How to correctly sign a will in Catalonia during the confinement phase by Covid-19
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
What is an "ICO Loan" with which the government intends to come to the rescue of companies and the self-employed in the face of Covid-19?
The government intends to come to the rescue of companies and the self-employed with ICO loans. What do they consist of and what are the advantages and risks?
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What type of mortgage is best for you: fixed, variable or mixed interest rate?
Real estate and mortgage
The mortgage interest rates in an easy and clear way and we recommend you the best option at the moment. Discover the mortgage rate that suits you best.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Updated repository of all existing regulations on taking out a mortgage loan.
Real estate and mortgage
Understands the regulatory framework for the formalization of mortgage loans in a clear, simple and summarized manner in order to be able to approach the subject knowledgeably
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Less than a month to go before the new real estate credit law comes into force!
Real estate and mortgage
The Spanish mortgage loan and credit regulation has been subject to a MAJOR UPDATE due to its mandatory adaptation to European regulations.
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Real estate and mortgage
Real estate and mortgage
Did you forget to include assets in the inheritance? - Addition of inheritance
Inheritance and donations
With the addition of inheritance, you can include new assets or rights not explicit in the initial deed of acceptance and partition of inheritance. How to do it and what to take into account.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Can I renounce an inheritance? Find out how to do it and its consequences
Inheritance and donations
While accepting an inheritance is usually a positive event, sometimes people decide to renounce it. Find out what the consequences are and how to do it.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
How to carry out the acceptance and partition of the inheritance?
Inheritance and donations
The notarial acceptance and partition of the inheritance is made after the death of a direct relative. We explain how the deed is made, its different types and costs.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Inheritance pact: Designating successors and distributing assets and rights during life
Inheritance and donations
The succession pact is an alternative to a will. It allows you to designate a successor and distribute your assets and rights during your lifetime. Learn about its benefits and conditions.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Living will or advance directives
Inheritance and donations
If you suffer an accident or serious illness, you can make sure how you want them to decide for you. What is a living will or advance directive and how to obtain it.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Intestate succession: What happens if I die without a will?
Inheritance and donations
Have you ever wondered what happens if you die and do not have a will? Here we explain what intestate succession is and what the role of the State is when this happens.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Why have a will? How easy and cheap it is to do it
Inheritance and donations
Choose the destiny of your belongings when you die and do not let the law do it for you. Find out everything you need to know about having a will.
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Inheritance and donations
Inheritance and donations
Love is over: Separation or divorce before a notary public
What to do when facing a separation or divorce? We explain which notary's office you should go to, the costs and advantages of registering a separation or divorce before a notary.
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Emancipation: Is it possible to anticipate a child's coming of age?
Wondering if your responsible child should emancipate? Find out what emancipation means, what its benefits are and how to do it.
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Protected assets: How to always protect the weakest
What happens when the person responsible for a person with a disability dies? We explain the role of the protected estate in these cases and how to use it.
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Anticipate the future: Self-guardianship
Self-guardianship is a legal order that can be very convenient for you and your family in critical moments. Learn about its benefits and how you can get one.
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Prevention is better than cure: Make your power preventive!
Proceedings and powers of attorney
While preventive powers are rare, they are especially useful in the most difficult times. Find out what they are and how they could help you.
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Proceedings and powers of attorney
Proceedings and powers of attorney
Why are marriage contracts important?
We all hope for a lifelong love, but it is also wise to consider marriage contracts. What they are and how they can benefit both of you.
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Do notaries come to my home?
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Notaries are obliged to travel if the situation requires it.
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Do you want to get married before a notary?
If you are thinking of getting married before a notary, solve all the typical doubts quickly and easily.
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Nothing can be registered in favor of a company with a revoked VAT number.
July 2023

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of June 16, 2023 (BOE of July 10, 2023).. According to it, and by way of summary, the DG determines that, in the context of a sale and purchase, if the acquiring company has the CIF revoked, the acquisition cannot be registered in its favor. It is important to take into account and always remember, when a company is involved, to consult the existing database on the subject.

Civil liability of the notary. It is very important to take this into account to avoid this kind of mistakes.
July 2023
Other miscellaneous

Attached is a link to an interesting doctrinal article (HERE) in which the civil liability of the Notary Public is analyzed. Of special interest, there is a section with details of specific cases (for example, omission of charges, insufficient powers of attorney, lack of information regarding the tax effects of the granting, etc.).

It is strongly recommended that all employees of the Notary's Office read the article and these specific cases to avoid making these types of errors and the liability associated with them.

New 15-calendar-day paid leave for unmarried couples
July 2023

Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 is published in the BOE and enters into force (HERE you can consult it), by virtue of which, a paid leave of 15 calendar days is recognized for the fact of constituting (and registering) as a stable couple. All stable couples that are constituted from now on can be informed about it, so that they can enjoy this new leave.

Divorce decrees of foreigners, with adjudication of real estate, must be registered in the central civil registry.
July 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of June 13, 2023 (BOE of July 10, 2023).. According to it, and by way of summary, the DG determines that, in case of divorce (OF FOREIGNERS whose marriage is not registered in the Spanish Civil Registry), if in the sentence a property is awarded to one of the ex-spouses, in order to register it in the Property Registry, it is necessary that, previously, this divorce sentence is registered in the Central Civil Registry.

New regulation of the structural modifications of commercial companies
July 2023

The aforementioned Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 (HERE you can consult it) has repealed the former Law 3/2009, of April 3, 2009, on structural modifications of commercial companies (transformation, merger, spin-off, global assignment of assets and liabilities, etc.). Thus, from now on, the new legal regime for structural modifications can be found in the aforementioned Royal Decree-Law 5/2023. To be taken into account when any officer prepares one of these operations (he/she should consult the new regulation and adapt the legal quotations to the new regulatory text).

In the deed of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property, it is necessary to give reliable notification of the foreclosure to the holders of subsequent encumbrances.
June 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP, dated May 11, 2023 (BOE of June 1, 2023). Case of extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgaged property, in a notary's office, where there is a resolutory condition subsequent to the mortgage in favor of a company. The company is notified of the foreclosure proceedings by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, but the delivery is negative, after which the deed is granted. The DG, aligning itself with the thesis of the Registrar, does not accept this, since it considers that when the extrajudicial foreclosure of a mortgaged property is formalized by means of a deed, it is necessary to notify reliably the procedure to all the holders of charges or rights subsequent to the mortgage being foreclosed, so that if it is decided to send the notification of the procedure by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, and its delivery to the addressee is negative, it is appropriate to make a personal notification, by the Notary, by means of a deed of notification (art. 202 Notarial Regulations).

Rectification of more than 10% of the land area. It is not possible to register it "little by little".
June 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP, dated May 12, 2023 (BOE of June 1, 2023). A deed is granted for the rectification of the size of the property, by the "simplified way" of article 201.3 of the Mortgage Law(for differences that do not exceed 10%), but when analyzing the square meters stated in the registry and the meters declared now (from 9,403 to 10,377), it is appreciated that the difference is higher than 10%. The Registrar suspends registration and subsequently, the Notary presents a deed of correction where it is requested to register only the excess of capacity up to 10%. The Registrar qualifies again negatively, and the DG, aligning with the Registrar, confirms that this is not possible, since it is not possible to register "little by little" or "by parts" a rectification of capacity, so that if the same is higher than 10%, the ordinary procedure of article 201.1 of the Mortgage Law must be used, and not the simplified procedure of article 201.3.

Minutation of "minor concepts". What can and cannot be charged
June 2023
Other miscellaneous

Interesting entry from the blog "justitonotario" (HERE) which analyzes a Resolution of the Directorate General of January 3, 2023 (the full text can be consulted in a link of the aforementioned blog), which resolves an appeal by a private individual against the minutes of a Notary of a deed of sale. By way of summary, it determines that:

  • What is witnessed and what is not? It is the Notary who decides.
  • Mercantile Registry Report: Not applicable.
  • Actual Holder Consultation: Yes.
  • Blank sides of checks: correct.
  • Incorporation to the copy of a folio for the consignment of notes: correct.
  • Diligences: Must be on record in order to be minutable.
  • Simple copies and agreement of assumption of expenses by the buyer: If the buyer assumes the expenses, this includes the copies necessary to comply with the obligations of communication of the formalized business.
  • Number of simple electronic copies: 2 (for communications to Cadastre and City Hall, respectively).
  • Number of simple paper copies: 3 (to liquidate ITP, "plusvalía" and various formalities, respectively).
  • At the moment of indicating the number of copies desired by the grantors: At the time of signing.
  • What can we consider as testimonies? The transcription of the data of the intervening company; the elaboration of the necessary card to be able to carry out the telematic liquidation; the testimony by request of registry information; the consultation of Real Titularity; the simple note of the Registry; the receipt of the IBI; the descriptive and graphic cadastral certification (to the margin of the extra-land registry management also minutable); the checks that accredit the means of payment; the certificate of debts of the community; the label of the Energetic Certification or the whole certificate and respecting what is needed according to the cases; the proof of reception of the Town hall of the communication of the article 110.6.b) and the verification of CSV`s.
  • Security seal: Yes, it is minuted.
  • Note from the Registry: It can be a supplement (in the margin of the testimony).
Sale of real estate by a company represented by an administrator with his position not registered in the commercial register. It is possible if the notarial judgment of sufficiency is well done.
June 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of May 9, 2023 (BOE of May 29, 2023).. According to them, and by way of summary, the DG reiterates its already consolidated doctrine and determines that, in a case of an SL selling a property, represented in the sale by its administrator, without the position still registered, it is possible to formalize the operation if the notarial judgment of sufficiency is made in the correct way . In particular, the deed should contain all the circumstances foreseen by the law in order to understand the appointment of the administrator as valid:

  1. The resolution of the duly called General Meeting.
  2. Acceptance of appointment,
  3. The notification or consent, as the case may be, of the holders of the previous registered offices.
Amendment of the commercial registry regulations to adapt them to European Union regulations on digital processes.
June 2023

HERE you can consult the aforementioned reform of the Mercantile Registry Regulations, published in the Official State Gazette of June 14. Based on the same, as key aspects:

  • The assignment of a Unique European Identifier (EUID) to all capital companies and branches is foreseen, allowing them to be unequivocally identified through a system of interconnection of all EU commercial registries.
  • The possibility of creating and closing branches telematically/online is foreseen.
  • Its entry into force is delayed by one year, counting from the publication in the Official State Gazette of Law 11/2023 (i.e., May 9, 2024).
It is not possible to be 2 things at the same time. It is not possible to be a member (natural person) of the board of directors of a company and, at the same time, be a natural person representing a company that holds the position of member of the same board of directors.
June 2023

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of May 23, 2023 (BOE of June 16, 2023).. According to them, and by way of summary, the DG determines that, in a 3-member board of directors, it is not possible for the same natural person to hold the position of member of the board and, at the same time, the position of natural person representing a company that is also a member of said board, since this would imply that, de facto, a single person would have the right of veto for the adoption, or not, of any agreement, in addition to being able to generate situations susceptible to conflict of interest. In any case, if the board had more than 3 members, the issue would be more debatable and the specific case would have to be analyzed in order to reach a conclusion in this respect.

Bylaws. Notice of meeting. The clause in the bylaws that allows the meeting to be called by ordinary mail (without acknowledgement of receipt) is not valid.
June 2023

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of May 10, 2023 (BOE of June 1, 2023).. According to them, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that (in the framework of the incorporation of an SL), the statutory clause that allows the meeting notice to be sent to the shareholders by ordinary mail (without acknowledgement of receipt) is not admissible, since for the notice to be valid, it is necessary that the system of transmission allows verification of the receipt of the notice by the addressee.

Land Registry. It is not possible to request simple notes neither by email nor by means of a document presented by telematic means.
May 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached are the Resolutions of the DGSJFP of March 27, 2023 (BOE of April 18, 2023) and of March 28, 2023 (BOE of April 18, 2023). According to them, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that simple notes cannot be requested either by email or by means of a request submitted in a document through the Registry's telematic document filing system. The ordinary way is through the telematic portal of or via Telefax in the case of continuous notes from the Notary's office.

Mortgage and domicile for notification purposes. It cannot be a foreign domicile
May 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of March 30, 2023 (BOE of April 18, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that when formalizing a real right of mortgage, the deed must contain an address of the debtor for the purpose of notifications and requirements, which must be located in Spain, so that it is not admissible to indicate an address of the debtor abroad, for these purposes.

Waiver of inheritance of minors and conflict of interest. Aspects to take into account
May 2023
Inheritance and donations

Attached is the Resolution of the DG of Law, Legal Entities and Mediation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, dated February 20, 2023 (DOGC of March 2, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that in the renunciation of an inheritance in favor of minors, the general rule is that it must be formalized in a public deed by the parents, with judicial authorization (art. 236-27 CCCat) or, alternatively, by the two closest relatives (art. 236-30 CCCat). In case of conflict of interest of one of the parents, the renunciation is made by the other parent with the consent of the two relatives. If the conflict of interest affects one of the two relatives, he/she must abstain or, if necessary, the successive relative must be called upon to substitute him/her.

Deed of extinction of stable couple and dissolution of condominium (apartment in common). It can be granted with minor children if no covenants affecting the children are included in the deed.
May 2023
Real estate and mortgage

I attach the Resolution of the DG of Law, Legal Entities and Mediation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, dated April 19, 2023 (DOGC of April 24, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG determines that when there is a stable couple with children and with a house in common, when the stable couple is extinguished by cessation of the cohabitation, although there are those minor children, they can formalize the extinction of the stable couple in the deed and agree in the same one the dissolution of the condominium of the property that they had in common. However, this will only be possible if the deed of termination of the stable partnership does not include measures that affect the children, such as an agreement, a parentality plan, an alimony, or a visitation regime (in which case, logically, it would require judicial authorization).

Assignment of property in exchange for a life annuity secured by a condition precedent and a real right of mortgage. You cannot mortgage what does not yet belong to you.
May 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of March 28, 2023 (BOE of April 18, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that you cannot mortgage what is not yet yours. An assignment of a property in exchange for an annuity is formalized in a public deed. Assignor (elderly person), assigns the property to a third party (assignee), in exchange for an annuity. The assignment is formalized with a suspensive condition, so that the transfer of ownership will take place when the assignee party proves that it has paid the agreed pension in full (it is understood that upon the death of the assignor). Likewise (to guarantee that those obliged to pay the pension will pay it), the assignee constitutes a mortgage on said property, in favor of the assignor, as an additional guarantee for the payment of the life annuity. The registration of the mortgage is denied since the condition precedent has not yet been fulfilled, so that the assignees have not yet acquired title to the real estate (condition precedent pending fulfillment) and, therefore, cannot mortgage something that does not yet belong to them.

Deed of rectification of error (of surface area) in the description of a property (private element) subject to horizontal property regime. No declaration of old new construction by the community of owners is required.
May 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP, dated April 18, 2023 (BOE of May 8, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG resolves a case in which an overground floor, registered with a useful surface of 47.51 meters, is rectified to 97 meters (since in fact that was the real and correct surface), by means of a deed granted by the registered owner of that property, based on a cadastral and graphic certification and an architect's report (that accredit that it is an error and that that floor has that surface from the moment of the construction), as well as by means of an agreement of Meeting (adopted by unanimity) that consents to this rectification. In this case, the DG confirms that this deed is sufficient to register the modification of the surface of the apartment, without the need of a deed of declaration of old new construction, by the community of owners, where the description of such element is rectified.

Deed of material division of a private element of a property subject to horizontal property regime only simple majority is required.
May 2023
Real estate and mortgage

I attach the Resolution of the DG de Dret, Entitats Jurídiques i Mediació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, dated May 5, 2023 (DOGC of May 15, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG determines that in the case of an old building with a "singular" horizontal division (divided into 4 entities, one of which includes 13 apartments susceptible of individualized use), if the bylaws do not expressly allow it, then the building's bylaws must be modified, if the bylaws do not expressly allow it (in which case no agreement of the Meeting would be required) it is possible to formalize a material division of this entity that includes those 13 floors, in order to create 13 independent registry properties, being only necessary a resolution of the Meeting approved by simple majority (that is, it would not be necessary an agreement with qualified majorities of 4/5).

Soon it will be possible to grant deeds telematically
May 2023
Other miscellaneous

Attached is a link to the article recently published in El Periódico (HERE) where the novelties derived from Law 11/2023 are succinctly explained. Based on the same, in short (at the end of November expires the vacatio legis of 6 months), it will be possible to grant certain public documents telematically, that is to say, without the physical presence of the client in the Notary's office. As more news on the practical implementation of the measure becomes available, the staff will be duly informed.

When in an inheritance there is a right of transmission, I note that the concurrence of all those interested in the inheritance is required for the delivery of a legacy.
May 2023
Inheritance and donations

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of April 19, 2023 (BOE of May 8, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG reminds that, within the framework of the right of transfer, and based on article 1006 of the Civil Code, any operation tending to divide the inheritance to which the transferor is called must be granted by all the interested parties in the succession of the latter (including their legitimated beneficiaries). This is a case in which two deceased persons, in their will, name their six children as heirs (with vulgar substitution in favor of their respective descendants) and, likewise, order in favor of three of their children legacies of some real estate. Subsequently, one of these children dies, leaving a widow and three children (grandchildren of the first deceased). A deed of delivery of the bequest is granted by the heirs instituted (children of the deceased couple) and also by the transmitting heirs (grandchildren), but the widowed spouse of the deceased son does not intervene, something that the DG interprets that it is indeed necessary, since she is interested in the succession.

When the economic regime of the marriage is indicated in a deed, it must be detailed whether it is legal or conventional.
April 2023
Real estate and mortgage

I attach the Resolution of the DGSJFP of December 20, 2022 (BOE of February 3, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that when indicating the economic regime of the marriage, it is necessary to determine in the deed if such economic-marital regime is legal or agreed (since in case of being agreed, specific rules of management and disposition may have been foreseen, different from the generic ones foreseen in the legal regime of the Code). In addition, if it is an agreed or conventional regime, it must be accredited to the notary by means of the exhibition of the authentic document from which the conventional economic regime results (marriage contracts) with the data of inscription in the competent Civil Registry. It can also be accredited with the certification of marriage of the Civil Registry in whose margin must be noted the granting of the marriage contracts in which the referred conventional matrimonial property regime is agreed, the day of the granting, the authorizing notary and the number of protocol.

Cautions to be taken into account in the adequacy trial when a preventive power of attorney is used in anticipation of loss of capacity.
April 2023
Proceedings and powers of attorney

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of November 4, 2022 (BOE of December 2, 2022). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG determines that in order to be able to use a preventive power of attorney in anticipation of loss of capacity (of the type that only takes effect once the loss of capacity is accredited, not before) a generic sufficiency judgment is not enough as in any kind of power of attorney, but additional requirements will be demanded, namely: a current medical certificate will be required, with indication of date, author, object and an express judgment of the Notary that the principal is in the support situation described for the power of attorney to take effect (and even, in case of doubt, an expert report may be required, which will be assessed in a separate notarial act or, where appropriate, adding the appearance of the principal to assess in situ his situation of need).

Customers can be identified before a notary by means of a valid driving license from the Kingdom of Spain.
April 2023
Other miscellaneous

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of January 16, 2023 (BOE of February 14, 2023). According to this Resolution, and by way of summary, the DG allows a person appearing before a Notary Public to identify himself/herself by means of a valid Spanish driving license, although this resource must be used in a subsidiary or supplementary manner. This means that, ordinarily, in any case, the identification of Spaniards must be made by means of a Passport or DNI. However, in a subsidiary manner, the driving license may also be accepted, since it is an official document issued by a public authority, with photograph and signature, which has identification effects.

In the context of an inheritance, the separation of a marriage must be reliably proven in order to deprive the surviving spouse of his or her inheritance rights to the reserved share.
April 2023
Inheritance and donations

I attach the Resolution of the DGSJFP of January 24, 2023 (BOE of February 14, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that, in the context of an acceptance of inheritance, in order to formalize the same without the surviving legitimate spouse (as a result of the spouses being separated), it is necessary to prove the separation (by mutual agreement in public deed / judicial resolution of separation or divorce / by ratification of the spouse who does not participate in the partition).

Applicable law in matters of matrimonial property regimes with international elements
April 2023
Real estate and mortgage


  • EU Regulation 2016/1103 applies (HERE), applicable to all marriages entered into as of June 2019, which is universally applicable (it allows to apply even non-EU country laws).
  • The Regulation (art. 22) allows the spouses to choose the law applicable to their matrimonial property regime between that of the place of celebration or that of the nationality of either spouse.
  • Validity of the agreement: Subject to the formal requirements of each country (consequently, in Spain, a public deed will be required).
  • ‍In theabsence of an agreement, the applicable law shall be (art. 26): That of the first habitual residence after marriage, that of the common nationality or that of the closest bond.
  • ‍Alsoapplicable to "registered partnerships": stable couples registered in a public registry.


  • EU Regulation 1259/2010 applies (HERE), on the law applicable to divorce, also of universal application (it allows to apply even non-EU countries' laws).
  • The Regulation (art. 5) allows the spouses to choose the law applicable to divorce between the law of the place of habitual residence, the law of the last place of habitual residence, the law of the State of which one of the spouses is a national at the time of conclusion of the agreement or the law of the forum.
  • Validity of the agreement: Subject to the formal requirements of each country (in Spain, public deed of covenants in anticipation of rupture).
  • ‍Inthe absence of an agreement, the criteria of Article 8 of the Regulations shall apply.
The consent of the new owners of a property subject to a horizontal property regime is necessary to record in the property registry agreements adopted prior to their purchase that have not been registered.
April 2023
Real estate and mortgage

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of January 31, 2023 (BOE of February 20, 2023).. According to it, and by way of summary, the DG recalls that, as a general rule, if a community of owners adopts an agreement subject to registration in the Land Registry, and subsequently, before such agreement is registered, there are changes of ownership in private elements, in order to achieve the registration of such agreement, the new owners must give their consent. However, in this specific case, being an inheritance, the DG applies the principle of universal succession (article 661 Cc) and allows the registration of the agreement.

Need for the notary to expressly state in the notarial sufficiency judgment the caveat of self-contracting and/or conflict of interest.
April 2023
Other miscellaneous

Attached resolution of the DGSJFP of March 9, 2023 (B.O.E. March 27, 2023). In this interesting resolution the DG reiterates once again its doctrine regarding the notarial sufficiency and self-contracting trial, in the sense that precautions must be taken when in the presence of a legal business granted by an attorney-in-fact who in turn intervenes in his own name and right as a party with interests opposed to those of his attorney-in-fact. In the case presented to us in the resolution, the Registrar suspends the registration of a donation in which the donor acts in turn as attorney-in-fact of the donee, without expressly stating in the deed of donation that the power of attorney granted by the donee expressly avoids the figure of self-contracting and/or conflict of interests. The administrative center recalls its already very reiterated doctrine that article 98 of Law 24/2001 exclusively attributes the judgment of sufficiency of the alleged representation to the notary, without the registrar being able to require for his qualification that the document from which the representation is derived be exhibited, accompanied or transcribed. However, when the figure of self-contracting is involved, it is not enough for the notary to state in the deed the notary's judgment of sufficiency, but it will also be necessary for him to clearly state that the authentic document from which the representation (power of attorney) results contemplates the caveat of self-contracting".

Judicial decisions affecting the capacity of the person must be registered in the civil registry so that the acts derived from them have access to the property registry.
April 2023

Attached is the Resolution of the DGSJFP of January 3, 2023 (BOE of February 9, 2023). According to it, and by way of summary, the DG reminds us that the court decision affecting the capacity of a person, in addition to being final, must be registered in the Civil Registry. Without this requirement, the act carried out by the representative will not be able to access the Property Registry.

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