Step 1

What is an attendance record?

It is the notarial document that records the actions carried out by the notary in the place indicated by the client with the purpose of accrediting the reality or truth of a certain fact or circumstance that occurs in said place.

Step 3

How much does it cost to notarize a certificate of presence?

This is a merely informative and non-binding estimate. This estimate is calculated based on two criteria: 1) our knowledge of the Notarial Tariff and 2) our daily experience in the preparation of this type of notarial document. (Royal Decree 1426/1989, November 17, 1989). and 2) our daily experience in the preparation of this type of notarial document. However, any variation (upward or downward) will be duly justified at the time of issuing the final invoice for the notarial service rendered.

Step 4

More frequently asked questions

What does an attendance record consist of?

As it has been previously indicated, an act of presence is a notarial action that consists, previous legitimate request of a client, in the displacement of the Notary to a concrete place, to the effects that this verifies the truth or reality of a concrete fact. Thus, the Notary will go to the place, and at the date and time agreed with the client, in order to witness by his own means and senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.) a certain reality, which he will verify in view of the concurrent circumstances.

At the end of this on-site performance, the Notary will return to his notarial office and in view of the reality and truth that he has been able to appreciate, he will draw up a notarial act, that is to say, a public document, in which the reality or truth witnessed is recorded, for the purpose of recording it and making reliable proof before whoever may be entitled to it.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si el propietario de una vivienda que ha estado alquilada durante muchos años tiene sospechas de que su inquilino, el cual abandonará la vivienda próximamente, ha causado de forma dolosa graves desperfectos en el inmueble, puede requerir a un Notario para que, el día de la entrega de las llaves por parte del inquilino, se persone en la vivienda, a los efectos de inspeccionar la misma y verificar su estado de conservación.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>En tal caso, si el Notario acepta el requerimiento, este se desplazará hasta la vivienda y la inspeccionará, verificando el estado de conservación de las estancias, muebles, electrodomésticos, posibles daños que se puedan apreciar, etc.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>Concluido este acto, el Notario regresará a su despacho y recogerá en un acta notarial todo lo presenciado en el inmueble en cuestión, elaborando así el acta de presencia requerida.<ejemplo>

What is an attendance record for?

As it can be appreciated, a certificate of presence is a very useful instrument to accredit a reality or truth that is necessary to verify before third parties, especially in case of conflictive or potentially conflictive situations, in which for a person the need to demonstrate the reality of a certain fact or circumstance is crucial.

Thus, as it can be observed, if any person needs to accredit that a certain fact or circumstance is true and real, the recourse to the notarial act of presence can be a suitable instrument, since by means of it we obtain that a Notary, that is to say, an impartial and independent public official, invested with public notarial faith, goes to a certain place and attests a certain reality, thus being able to accredit, in an irrefutable and indubitable way, that this fact or circumstance is true, invested with the notarial public faith, goes to a certain place and attests to a certain reality, thus being able to prove, in an irrefutable and unquestionable way, that this fact or circumstance is true, of which nobody can doubt, since it has been verified by a Notary.

<ejemplo>Por ejemplo, si una persona vive en un bloque de viviendas, y uno de sus vecinos, en contra de la normativa aplicable, desarrolla una actividad económica en dicha vivienda (como por ejemplo la cría de cachorros de perro para su venta), con las consiguientes molestias para el resto de vecinos (olores, ruidos, trasiego de compradores en la escalera comunitaria, etc.), para acreditar la ilegalidad que se está cometiendo, el resto de vecinos puede optar por tratar de acreditar que ello es así mediante un acta notarial de presencia.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>Así pues, requerido el Notario en cuestión, este se personará en el edificio y verificará la realidad que allí presencie (por ejemplo ruidos de perros, olores, la existencia de múltiples cachorros de perro que se puedan apreciar en una terraza del vecino en cuestión, el constante ir y venir de personas que acceden a esa vivienda y la abandonan con un cachorro, etc.), la cual será recogida en el acta notarial de presencia.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>Posteriormente, gracias a esta acta notarial en la que se acredita esta realidad contraria a la normativa vigente, los vecinos ya dispondrán de una prueba fehaciente e indubitada de la ilegalidad que se está cometiendo, a los efectos de poder denunciar la misma ante las instancias administrativas o judiciales que correspondan.<ejemplo>

In short, as it can be verified, by means of the recourse to the notarial act, the interested parties will obtain a document in which a certain reality or truth is accredited in an irrefutable and unquestionable way, which constitutes proof of it, and allows to deploy its evidentiary effects before third parties or the corresponding administrative or judicial instances.

How useful is the use of the presence record?

The notarial acts of presence, as indicated in the preceding questions, are a very useful instrument to accredit the reality or truth of a certain fact or circumstance, in order to obtain unquestionable and incontrovertible proof of that reality or truth, and that the same unfolds its effects or consequences in the corresponding administrative or jurisdictional instance.

Thus, it is very common to resort to the notarial act of presence, among others, in the following circumstances:

  • Leased dwellings in which it is suspected that the tenant may have caused damage to the property, and the owner wants to prove it.
  • Neighbors of communities of owners that carry out illegal or annoying activities for the rest of neighbors, who want to prove that this is so, to be able to demonstrate it before the corresponding authorities(as for example, very common in recent times, the installation in a particular apartment of a "dark kitchen", that is, a food kitchen at home without the pertinent authorizations, with the consequent annoyances to the rest of neighbors in the form of odors, smoke, noise, etc.). ).
  • Illegal economic activities or activities that cause nuisance to neighboring properties and that are to be accredited(for example, when a garage in an adjoining house is used as a clandestine repair shop that causes nuisance to the entire neighborhood).
  • The celebration of neighborhood meetings in which relevant decisions must be adopted and the existence of a conflict between the parties is foreseen(for example, if a staircase of neighbors must adopt the decision to carry out some very expensive extraordinary works and a conflict between the neighbors is foreseen, the notarial minutes can be used for the Notary to record the attendance to the meeting, the votes of all the neighbors, the manifestations that each one has made there, etc.).
  • Proof of the state of a specific property that presents damages(useful for example in the case that a neighbor has carried out some works and as a result of them have generated damages in adjoining properties, such as cracks, landslides, etc.).
  • Administrative bodies of companies (shareholders' meetings) in which relevant decisions must be adopted and in which there are conflicting positions between partners, so that the Notary is required to attend the meeting, witness it, and record all the reality that occurred there (given the specific characteristics of these minutes, their particulars are developed in detail in the "commercial" section of this website).

What other acts can be covered by notarial acts of presence?

In addition to the examples indicated above, in which the Notary Public travels to a place to prove the reality or truth of a fact or circumstance, by means of the notarial act of presence, it is also possible to carry out other types of complementary actions, in accordance with the applicable regulations (specifically, Article 200 of the Notarial Regulations).

Thus, it is also possible through attendance records:

  • The delivery of documents, effects, money or other things, as well as offers of payment.

    Useful for example in the case that a person who has a debt with a third party wants to pay the same one and liquidate it, he can resort to this instrument, that is to say, to deliver for example a bank check with this due amount to a Notary, so that it is this one who comes to deliver it to the creditor and to verify in this way of indubitable form that this one collects his debt.

    In this way, the debtor will be able to reliably settle his liability, in order to avoid that, for example, his creditor, fraudulently, tries to systematically refuse to pay what is due and, as a consequence of this prolonged non-payment, the debtor's liability is greater (in the form of interest for late payment, for example).
  • The fact of the existence of a person, prior identification by the notary.

    Useful resource, for example, in the case that a person owner of a house suffers an occupation of the same one, can require the Notary so that this one goes to the house and identifies the dwellers (if they accept, of course), to the effects to credit which persons are committing this situation, in order to be able to credit the same one and to be able to exercise the corresponding civil actions against the persons that it proceeds, in order to recover the possession of its house.
  • The exhibition to the notary of documents or things in order that, examined, this one describes them in the act as they result from his perception.

    For example, the possibility of exhibiting before the Notary a certain jewel of value that one possesses, in order to record its reality and characteristics, so as to accredit its existence before, for example, a home insurance, in case of theft or subtraction of the same one.

Can the Notary only go once to the required place?

Of course, the answer to this answer is negative, because if it is necessary in view of the client's needs and the circumstances or facts that need to be accredited, the Notary can go several times and at different times or days to the place in question, in order to accredit the realities that occur there, especially in the case of having to verify a dynamic reality, changing over time or that is repeated repeatedly.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si es necesario acreditar que un vecino de un bloque de viviendas realiza una actividad ilegal en su domicilio, es posible que el requerimiento consista en acudir a ese domicilio varias veces, para así demostrar que dicha actividad ilegal se realiza de forma habitual y reiterada en el tiempo, y no de forma esporádica o puntual.<ejemplo>

See more frequently asked questions

What aspects will the Notary Public include in the attendance record?

Once the Notary Public has gone to the required place, and has witnessed that reality or truth, the Notary Public will return to his office and will draft the notarial act based on that reality or truth witnessed, all based on what he has been able to perceive through his natural senses, that is, sight, hearing, smell or touch, capturing all the details and characteristics witnessed.

<ejemplo>Así pues, si por ejemplo, el requirente ha solicitado al Notario que acuda a un domicilio para verificar que un vecino ha instalado en su vivienda particular una cocina industrial para servir comida a domicilio, careciendo de las autorizaciones pertinentes, en el acta notarial reflejará la entrada y salida constante de mensajeros con paquetes de la vivienda, el olor a comida, los humos que emana un extractor que sobresale del balcón de esa vivienda, la llegada de proveedores con cajas de alimentos, etc. <ejemplo>

What limitations does the notary have when drafting the minutes of presence?

As has been indicated, the Notary shall record in the notarial act the reality or truth that he/she witnesses, in detail, and based on the perception he/she has thanks to his/her natural senses. 

However, as limitations, it is necessary to point out that the regulations in this regard (Article 199 of the Notarial Regulations) prevent the Notary Public from recording in the minutes facts whose proof requires expert knowledge.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si se requiriera a un Notario para que presencie una operación quirúrgica, éste no podría indicar en el acta que se ha aplicado o no determinado protocolo o técnica médica, pues dicha valoración sólo corresponderá a un perito experto en dichas materias, y no a un Notario, que es un licenciado en Derecho que no tiene capacidad para verificar esa realidad.<ejemplo>

Likewise, in accordance with the regulations governing these acts, it must be taken into account that if the act of presence contains facts susceptible of commercial publicity, the notary must state that the notary public faith does not extend to things or facts other than those that have been the object of his personal perception.

Likewise, in these cases, the advertising use of any notarial act of presence is completely forbidden, unless it has been expressly requested for this purpose and, in such case, it will be necessary for the authorizing Notary to previously approve the texts and images in which such advertising is specified, and the name of said Notary may not appear in such advertising.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si un Notario es requerido por una empresa para dejar constancia de prácticas empresariales de un competidor que, supuestamente, son contrarias a la normativa aplicable, para posteriormente dar publicidad a ello, el requerimiento sólo se podrá aceptar si previamente así se explicita, y sin que en la publicidad que se realice pueda constar el nombre del notario autorizante del acta de presencia.<ejemplo>

Can a notary public go to any place to perform an act of presence?

In relation to this question, the interested parties should know that the notary's jurisdiction does not extend to the entire national territory, but is territorially limited to the locality in which the notary has his or her notary's office.

Consequently, a notary may only accept a request to perform an act of presence in a place that is within the locality or municipality in which his or her notarial office is located and in which he or she therefore has jurisdiction.

Therefore, those interested in requesting a Notary Public to perform an act of presence should contact a notary public of the locality in which the place where the presence of the Notary Public is necessary to verify the reality or truth that is needed.

Must a notary always accept the request for a presence record?

Of course, the answer to this answer can only be negative, since a notary can only accept a request for a presence record, provided that the request is legitimate and does not pose a risk to the safety of his person or third parties.

On the contrary, when these requirements are not met, the requested Notary may reject the request.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si un cliente requiere a un Notario para que realice un acta de presencia en un domicilio en el que supuestamente se comercializan sustancias estupefacientes, por supuesto, dicho Notario puede denegar el requerimiento, dado que su presencia en estas circunstancias, y ante la comisión de un hecho delictivo, puede suponer un riesgo para su integridad física y la de terceras personas que allí se hallaren.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>En tal caso, como es lógico, lo procedente será poner en conocimiento estos hechos de la autoridad policial o judicial competente para que puedan realizarse las intervenciones oportunas.<ejemplo>

Does the attendance record prove the veracity of the facts described therein?

Of course, as has been indicated, the Notary, being a public official vested with the notarial public faith, will attest to the content of the act of presence, so that, before any person, the facts, truths and realities witnessed by the notary and described through the perception of his senses will be reputed as true.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, a efectos probatorios en un juicio, lo que conste como descrito en un acta notarial de presencia se tendrá como cierto, pues ha sido descrito y recogido por un Notario, esto es, un funcionario público al que la ley le reconoce la fe pública notarial.<ejemplo>

However, as is logical, there will always be room for the Notary to have incorrectly assessed these facts in view of the circumstances at that particular moment, so that, if another party, by any other means of evidence valid in law, can disprove the reality or truth reflected in the record, it is understood that this will be possible, although it will hardly happen and, in any case, it will be left to the assessment of the corresponding authority.

Is it possible to grant a "mixed" certificate?

Of course, the interested parties should also know that, depending on the specific circumstances of the case, it is also possible to grant what may be called a mixed act, that is, an act of presence in which a reality or truth witnessed by the Notary is reflected, but also elements of another type of act, such as the deposit of some movable property or the notarization of relevant documents that are related to such reality.

How is a certificate of presence granted?

Granting a certificate of presence is a very simple act. The interested party must contact the notary's office and agree on the place, day and time of the request, as well as the nature and characteristics of the truth or reality to be verified. In view of this, if the notary accepts the request, on the agreed day and time, the notary will go to the place in question, and through the perception of his senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.) will verify the reality or truth that happens there, taking the necessary written notes.

Once the act is concluded, he/she will return to his/her notary's office and will draw up the act of presence, in which he/she will record all the reality or truth witnessed, after which the act will be concluded. Finally, the notary will draw up an authentic copy for the client, so that he/she can take a copy of the document in which all the actions carried out are reflected, so that he/she can make the corresponding use of said document.

Step 5

Where can I consult the applicable regulations?

Step 6

Make an appointment