Testimonials - Jesús Benavides Notary Office

Notarized testimonials

(also called "notarial attestations").

Step 1

What is a notarial certificate?

A notarial attestation is, very simply explained, an act by which a Notary certifies that a certain document is an exact copy of its original.

Step 2

What documentation do I need to present to the notary so that he/she can prepare an attestation or compulsa for me?

Original and valid national identity card

Step 3

How much does a notarial certification cost?

Tariff calculator

This is a merely informative and non-binding estimate. This estimate is calculated based on two criteria: 1) our knowledge of the Notarial Tariff and 2) our daily experience in the preparation of this type of notarial document. (Royal Decree 1426/1989, November 17, 1989). and 2) our daily experience in the preparation of this type of notarial document. However, any variation (upward or downward) will be duly justified at the time of issuing the final invoice for the notarial service rendered.

Step 4

More frequently asked questions

What is a notarial testimony?

A notarial attestation is, very simply explained, an act by which a Notary certifies that a certain document is an exact copy of its original.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si María necesita presentar ante el departamento de Recursos Humanos de la nueva empresa en la que trabaja, su título universitario de graduada en Derecho, para acreditar de que dispone de esta titulación, como es lógico, no aportará el original de su diploma universitario, pues sólo dispone de un ejemplar que debe conservar el resto de su vida.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>Por consiguiente, para poder acreditar su título, puede optar por acudir a un Notario, para que éste le haga un testimonio de su título, con lo cual, conseguirá un documento en el que consta una copia de su título, acompañado de una nota puesta por el Notario, en la que éste, como fedatario público, certifica y autentifica que dicha copia es una fiel y exacta reproducción del documento original que se le ha exhibido, con lo cual, conseguirá acreditar su condición de graduada en Derecho ante su nueva empresa.<ejemplo>

From a legal point of view, the applicable regulations define the testimony or authentication as a notarial act in which the notary public "carries out the authentic reproduction of the original documents that are exhibited to him for such purpose" or, as the case may be, "attesting the coincidence of the graphic supports that are delivered to him with the reality that he observes".

What is a notarial certificate for?

A notarial attestation, as indicated in the preceding question, allows the person requesting it to obtain a true and exact copy of an original document, with the addition that said copy is accompanied by a declaration of a Notary, that is, of a notary public, attesting and certifying, before anyone, that said document is indeed a true and exact copy of the original thereof.

Of course, anyone can make a copy of an original document (for example, with a photocopy in a copy shop), but it is nevertheless true that, on many occasions, when dealing with administrative procedures or with third parties, this is not enough, since the administration or third party will demand that the original document be handed over, for example, to verify that the document has not been altered or manipulated.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, puede suceder que un alumno, para matricularse a un Master Universitario, esta institución académica le solicite su expediente académico, donde consten todas sus calificaciones, para así valorar o no su admisión en estos estudios a la vista de su rendimiento académico. En este caso, si el estudiante se limita a hacer una fotocopia de su expediente, la Universidad destinataria no lo aceptará, pues puede tener dudas de que el estudiante pudiera haber alterado o falsificado el documento.<ejemplo>

In this case, in order to avoid having to deliver that original (which, perhaps, has cost us a lot of time or money to obtain, or directly it is not possible to obtain another original of the same), the recourse to the notary's testimony or notarization is very useful and appropriate, since in this case, the intervention of the Notary, that is to say, of a notary public, allows certifying before any person that said copy is an exact reproduction of its original, with which, in practice it will have the same effects as said original, but without the need to deliver the same.

<ejemplo>Siguiendo pues el ejemplo propuesto, el estudiante podrá optar entre entregar el original de su expediente académico, con lo cual lo perderá, solicitar uno nuevo a su Universidad (lo cual le puede costar por ejemplo 100 €) o, en su caso, optar por acudir a un Notario y legitimar notarialmente su expediente académico, con lo cual, con un trámite mucho más barato, conseguirá una copia de su expediente en la que un Notario acredita que dicha copia es una fiel reproducción de su original, lo que le permitirá cumplir con el trámite que debe realizar con la nueva Universidad.<ejemplo>

Thus, thanks to this instrument, any person can obtain an exact copy of an original document, with the added benefit of being able to certify to anyone that said copy is a faithful reproduction of the original, which will allow us to present this copy to any person or administration, for the purpose of carrying out the procedure we need, without the need to provide the original of our document and, therefore, lose it.

<ejemplo>Por ejemplo, cuando una persona se cambia de domicilio, debe acudir al Ayuntamiento de su nueva población a inscribirse en el Padrón, tras lo cual, se le entregará un certificado de empadronamiento acreditativo del trámite.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>Posteriormente, si desea acudir a su nuevo centro de salud para que se le asigne un nuevo médico de cabecera, en dicho CAP le solicitarán este certificado de empadronamiento, con lo cual, si entrega su original, perderá el documento. En tal caso, para evitarlo, puede optar por acudir a un Notario y realizar un testimonio del documento, con lo cual, conservará el original, mientras que entregando el testimonio del certificado de empadronamiento en su CAP, podrá conseguir igualmente realizar el trámite que necesita, esto es, que se le asigne un nuevo médico de cabecera en este caso.<ejemplo>

In short, it is necessary to understand that the fundamental value of the testimonies is to deploy a full substitutive effect or value with respect to the original document.

What are the additional legal effects of a notarial testimony?

In addition to the main effect indicated in the preceding question, that is, the possibility of obtaining an exact copy of a document with substitute value or effect, in which a Notary certifies that said copy is a faithful reproduction of its original, by means of the recourse to the testimony or compulsa, those interested in this service must take into account the following considerations:

  • First of all, it is very important to understand that because a private document is witnessed, such private document will never become public.
  • And also, that by means of the testimony, the document in question acquires a certain date before third parties, that is to say, which implies that it can be certified before third parties that, at least, on that date (in which the testimony is made), said document already existed in the terms that are reflected in the attested copy, which can be interesting in certain cases in which the date of a document is relevant to accredit its validity or effects before third parties.

What types of notarial certificates are there?

Broadly speaking, in accordance with the regulations in force, the following types of notarial certificates can be identified and differentiated:

1. Testimony by exhibition: This is the ordinary case in which all the questions of this entry have been focused, in which the interested party brings a document before the Notary, so that the latter can attest that the attested copy is a faithful and exact reproduction of the document exhibited.

2. Testimony of signature authentication: This is the notarial intervention in which the notary public certifies that a signature appearing on a document corresponds to a specific person.

  • For more details on this modality, please visit the section of this website concerning legitimizations (HERE).

3. Testimony of the validity of laws: This is a notarial intervention in which the notary public certifies, and in order for it to be effective abroad:

  • O bien la legislación vigente en España: Es decir, el Notario certifica ante terceros, la vigencia de una determinada ley en España.

    <ejemplo>Por ejemplo, el Notario puede certificar la vigencia y contenido del Código Civil español en materia de separación y divorcio, para que ello surta efectos en un proceso judicial en otro país extranjero en el que, por razón de las circunstancias personales de los litigantes, dicha ley deba ser de aplicación.<ejemplo>
  • O bien lo que se denomina jurídicamente el “estatuto personal del requirente”, esto es, la identificación de circunstancias personales de una persona que determinan la aplicación de una determinada normativa en nuestro ordenamiento.

    <ejemplo>Por ejemplo, el Notario puede certificar que un sujeto, nacido en Cataluña, le es de aplicación el Derecho civil catalán, con las consecuencias que ello conlleva.<ejemplo>

4. Testimonies of presence: This is the notarial intervention in which the Notary certifies that, in his presence, a certain person has attended, and who has been identified by means of his corresponding identity document.

What kind of documents cannot be notarized?

Although, as a general rule, all kinds of documents can be attested or certified, it is necessary to take into account that the current regulations (specifically Article 252 of the Notarial Regulations), establishes a series of limitations, in which it will not be possible to resort to the figure of the attestation, namely:

Firstly, in the case of the parent documents that make up the Notary's protocol, they may not be the subject of testimony.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si el propietario de una vivienda ha perdido la copia auténtica de su escritura de compraventa en la que se acredita que él es el propietario de dicho inmueble, éste no puede pretender acudir al Notario que otorgó esa escritura y solicitarle un testimonio de la misma, sino que, en su caso, lo procedente será solicitar una copia auténtica o simple de dicha escritura, según proceda.<ejemplo>

Likewise, it is also not possible to witness a document that is written in a foreign language, i.e. in a language that is not official in the place where the witness is issued.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, en el caso de nuestra oficina notarial, radicada en Barcelona, como los idiomas oficiales son el castellano y el catalán, sólo se podrá testimoniar cualquier documento redactado en alguno de estos dos idiomas.<ejemplo>

However, as an exception, the Notarial Regulations allow the witnessing of documents drafted in a foreign language if the Notary knows that language or, if he/she does not know it, if the document is accompanied by an official translation into Spanish.

Lastly, the regulations do not allow the presentation of documents that must be compulsorily filed with the Tax Administration, unless the corresponding proof of filing is attached to these documents.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si se pretende testimoniar un contrato de alquiler, será necesario aportar, junto al mismo, el justificante de pago del Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales Onerosas devengado, para así verificar que el interesado ha pagado los impuestos correspondientes.<ejemplo>

See more frequently asked questions

Does a notarial attestation attest to the authenticity or authorship of the document?

Of course, the answer must be negative, since the Notary, with his intervention, does not verify if the document presented to him is authentic or not, nor if it has been issued or elaborated by the institution or person indicated in it, but simply, the Notary what he does is to attest that the document witnessed is an exact copy of another that has been exhibited to him, without assessing its authenticity or authorship.

<ejemplo>Así pues, retomando el ejemplo anterior, cuando un Notario testimonia un expediente académico de un alumno de una universidad, no da fe de que dichas notas son reales, sino que simplemente verifica que el documento testimoniado es una copia fiel y exacta del documento que le ha presentado ese estudiante.<ejemplo>

Does the notary witnessing the document verify its legality?

Of course, the Notary does not verify that the content of the document being witnessed is in accordance with the law, but rather, as indicated above, his intervention is limited to attesting that the document is a true and exact copy of the original exhibited.

What are the requirements for a notarial certification?

In accordance with the applicable regulations (Article 262.2 of the Notarial Regulations), the testimony must comply with certain formal requirements, that is to say:

  • The testimony itself and the corresponding diligence shall be made on a sheet of paper stamped exclusively for notarial documents. 
  • If several sheets of stamped paper are used, their numbering shall be indicated in the diligence. 
  • In the diligence, the following shall be recorded: the place; the date; the sign, signature, signature, rubric and seal of the Notary; the security seal of the General Council of Notaries and the corresponding number in the Notary's Yearly Indicator Book.

Can only part of a document be witnessed?

The answer is yes, because a notarized testimony can be:

  • Total: Which implies a complete reproduction of the document that is exhibited to the notary.
  • Or partial: Only a part of the original document is reproduced

    In this case, the Notary shall expressly state in the diligence that in the omitted part of the original document there is nothing that expands, restricts, modifies or conditions what has been transcribed.

Can a photocopy of a non-original document be witnessed?

Indeed, in accordance with current regulations, it is possible to witness a document that is not an original, i.e. a copy of another document.

However, in such a case, the testimony shall not imply the concordance between the copy presented and the original of the document, unless the Notary expressly states so, under his responsibility.

How long does it take to make a testimonial?

The procedure of notarizing a document is a very short and simple act, therefore, the interested parties do not need to make an appointment at the notary's office. Therefore, within the opening hours of the notary's office, the interested parties can go to the notary's office at any time to carry out this procedure, which will be completed in no more than 15-20 minutes, under normal service conditions.

Step 5

Where can I consult the applicable regulations?

Step 6

Make an appointment