It is the notarial document by means of which a situation of shared ownership of a property among several persons, who are called co-owners, is put to an end, awarding part or all of it to only one of them.
The following calculator offers the user/consumer the possibility of knowing with great accuracy the expenses that will have to be faced at the time of formalizing notarially the extinction of condominium or dissolution of community. This calculator has parameterized both the notary and registry fees as well as the regional regulations in force depending on the location of the property object of the dissolution or extinction.
In order to properly understand what is the so-called extinction of condominium, undoubtedly, the most reasonable thing seems to be to understand, first of all, what is a community and condominium, since only by understanding this concept, it will be possible to properly understand the extinction of the same.
Thus, on this basis, and in accordance with the provisions of the Catalan Civil Code, "community of property exists when two or more persons share jointly and concurrently the ownership of the property or of another real right over the same asset" (article 551-1 of Book V of the Civil Code of Catalonia).
Por ejemplo, imaginemos la situación en la que Mireia y Anna, amigas desde la infancia, son muy aficionadas al esquí. A resultas de esta afición, ambas deciden adquirir, de forma conjunta, la propiedad de un apartamento en Puigcerdà, a los efectos de poder acudir al mismo los fines de semana de invierno, y así poder practicar ese deporte que tanto les gusta.
A la vista de lo indicado, Mireia y Anna, al adquirir cada una el 50% del pleno dominio de este apartamento, han creado una situación de comunidad o de condominio sobre ese bien inmueble (recordemos, un apartamento), que será necesario gestionar jurídicamente.
This community or condominium situation being understood, its extinction will occur, as can be presumed, when the co-owners who form the community agree to put an end to this situation of shared ownership, so that one of them becomes the new owner of the whole of the property in question, whose ownership was previously shared.
Siguiendo pues el ejemplo anterior, si Mireia, pasados los años, ya no desea seguir practicando el esquí, y por lo tanto, mantener la propiedad de ese 50% del apartamento en Puigcerdà ha perdido el sentido para ella, puede optar, en tal caso, y de común acuerdo con Anna (la cual está interesada en ser la propietaria de la totalidad del piso), proceder a la extinción del condominio de este piso que las une a ambas, de tal modo que Mireia dejará de ser la propietaria de dicho 50%, el cual se integrará en el patrimonio de Anna, convirtiéndose así en la propietaria del 100% del pleno dominio de la finca, abonando a cambio a Mireia el valor que corresponda a ese 50% del piso.
As has just been explained in the preceding question, the extinction of a condominium is the legal figure that allows to put an end to a situation of shared ownership of several persons over a property, in such a way that one (or some) of them becomes the new owner of the totality of such property.
In view of the above concept, its usefulness is more than evident in those cases in which, for whatever reason, several persons who share the ownership of a property wish to put an end to this situation, so that the property becomes the property of only one of them.
In practice, recourse to the extinction of the condominium usually occurs in the following cases, among others:
As can be observed, the sale and purchase and the extinction of condominium are very similar operations, since in both cases there is a transfer of part of the ownership of an asset to a third party, in exchange for an economic consideration (provided, of course, that the extinction of condominium is carried out for valuable consideration).
Thus, on the basis of this similarity between other operations, the fundamental differences between the two resources are, broadly speaking, as follows:
In the first place, as is evident, it is necessary to indicate that the extinction of the condominium can only be carried out if any of the co-owners is willing to acquire the remaining portions belonging to the other co-owners, since if all of them wish to abandon the community, and therefore the transfer to a third party proceeds, the only legal mechanism suitable for this purpose will be the sale and purchase.
Así pues, recuperando el ejemplo inicialmente propuesto de Mireia y Anna que adquirieron conjuntamente una vivienda en Puigcerdà, si pasados los años, ambas ya no desean tener la propiedad de esta vivienda, lo que procederá es realizar una compraventa y vender la finca a un tercero que la adquiera, por el precio que se pacte.
Having made this basic and evident precision, but at the same time necessary, if in the termination of the intended community, one of the co-owners is willing to acquire the remaining portions of the property that belong to the rest of the co-owners, in such case, it is necessary to indicate that the intervening parties, besides resorting to the extinction of the condominium, could also opt for the purchase and sale, however, this will have a higher tax cost, since in such case, it will be taxed by the Transfer Tax (in Catalonia, for example, at a rate of 10%).
Así pues, recuperando el ejemplo inicialmente propuesto de Mireia y Anna que adquirieron conjuntamente una vivienda en Puigcerdà, si posteriormente Mireia desea abandonar la comunidad, puede plantear una compraventa a Anna, de modo que Anna adquiera el 50% de la propiedad restante mediante una escritura de compraventa, a cambio de, por ejemplo, 150.000 euros.
No obstante, como se indica, en este caso, al tratarse de una compraventa, la misma tributará por ITP al 10%, esto es, Anna deberá pagar 15.000 euros (el 10% de 150.000 euros) en concepto de ITP a la Agencia Tributaria catalana.
On the other hand, if the termination of the community is proposed by means of the extinction of the condominium, so that one of the co-owners acquires the portions of the property that belong to the rest of the co-owners, all this through this figure of the extinction of the condominium, the operation will have a more favorable tax treatment, since in such case, it will only be taxed for the Stamp Duty (in Catalonia, for example, at a tax rate of 1.5%).
<em>Así pues, recuperando el ejemplo inicialmente propuesto de Mireia y Anna que adquirieron conjuntamente una vivienda en Puigcerdà, si posteriormente Mireia desea abandonar la comunidad, si la operación se plantea como una extinción de condominio, Anna adquirirá el 50% restante de la propiedad, Mireia recibirá esos 150.000 euros igualmente como contraprestación, pero el coste fiscal será mucho menor, pues se tributará por AJD sólo 2.250 euros (esto es, el 1,5% de 150.000 euros).</em>
Before understanding how to proceed when extinguishing a condominium, I believe that, without a doubt, it is also very necessary to know what an undivided community is, as well as to know how it is regulated.
As regards the concept of undivided community property, as already indicated above, this is the legal reality in which two or more persons jointly and concurrently share the ownership of the property or of another real right over the same asset (in our case, real estate, i.e., an apartment, a house, a parking space, etc.), without there being a determination as to which specific and concrete part belongs to each of the co-owners.
Así pues, recuperando el ejemplo inicialmente propuesto de Mireia y Anna que adquirieron conjuntamente, al 50%, una vivienda en Puigcerdà, como vemos, lo único que sabemos es que dicho piso pertenece al 50% a cada una, pero sin que sea posible determinar qué parte concreta del piso pertenece a cada una, de modo que, por ejemplo, no es posible saber si una habitación concreta, o un baño, o el pasillo, pertenecen a una u otra.
Knowing then what an undivided community is, it is necessary to know that, as far as its regulation is concerned, it will be governed:
Thus, in relation to this regulation, it is necessary to highlight the following main issues:
In accordance with the Catalan civil regulations, it is necessary to know that, as already indicated, any of the co-owners who wishes to leave the community, has the right to do so, without the need to allege or justify any reason, being able in such case to sell his participation to a third party outside the community.
Así pues, siguiendo con nuestro ejemplo inicial de Mireia y Anna que poseen cada una el 50% de ese piso en Puigcerdà, si Mireia desea desprenderse de su 50%, tiene todo el derecho a hacerlo, de modo que podrá venderlo a un tercero distinto a Anna, por ejemplo, a su amigo Francisco, que desea comprar ese 50%, a cambio de 100.000 euros.
However, in these cases, the law establishes that the other co-proprietors will have a right of first refusal in order to acquire that % of the property that the co-proprietor wishes to dispose of (unless otherwise expressly agreed in the deed of incorporation). In order to exercise this right of first refusal, the co-proprietor who wishes to acquire that % of the property must pay the same price and with the same conditions that had been agreed with the third party.
En nuestro ejemplo, como Anna no quiere compartir ese piso con Francisco, porque no tienen buena relación, si Anna lo desea, puede “igualar” la oferta de Francisco, de modo que si ella abona los 100.000 euros a Mireia, podrá adquirir ese 50% de Mireia y hacerse con el 100% de la propiedad, “pasando por delante” de Francisco, pues como este es un tercero ajeno a la comunidad, ella tendrá este derecho de tanteo.
To exercise this right, the co-owners who intend to make the transfer must notify the other co-owners, reliably (by means of a burofax, for example), of the decision to sell and the circumstances of the transfer.
Likewise, in order to avoid that the co-owner who wishes to sell does not respect this right, the law determines that, if the notification does not exist or if the transfer is made for a price or in circumstances different from those stated therein, the pre-emption will entail the withdrawal, that is to say, the possibility of bringing a legal action to invalidate this sale to a third party, so that the other co-owners are the ones who finally acquire the % sold to someone outside the community.
Finally, it should be noted that if there are more than two co-owners who wish to exercise the right of first refusal, each of them will be entitled to a percentage in proportion to their respective rights in the community.
Así pues, siguiendo con nuestro ejemplo inicial, si este piso en Puigcerdà lo compraron Mireia, Anna y Paula, cada una un 33%, y posteriormente Mireia desea vender su 33% y Anna y Paula lo desean comprar, dicho 33% se dividirá entre ambas, correspondiendo un 16,5% a cada una, de modo que Anna y Paula se convertirán en propietarias del 50% cada una.
In fact, it is possible for an owner of a property in a situation of joint ownership, for whatever reason, to renounce the ownership of the property.
Así pues, por ejemplo, si Juan y Antonio son propietarios, al 50%, de un terreno que han heredado, el cual origina unos gastos de mantenimiento elevados, pero que no es posible venderlo por su escaso valor o por las condiciones de mercado, si por ejemplo Juan no tiene dinero para afrontar dichos gastos, como no puede venderlo (porque ni Antonio ni un tercero ajeno lo quiere comprar) puede optar por renunciar a su derecho de propiedad.
In any case, in these waivers, it will be necessary to take into account the following issues:
In fact, what is reasonable is that in the extinction of the condominium, the condominium owner who abandons the community, in exchange, receives as consideration the money in which his participation in the real estate is valued, at market price.
Así pues, siguiendo con nuestro ejemplo inicial de Mireia y Anna que poseen cada una el 50% de ese piso en Puigcerdà, Mireia, al abandonar la comunidad, recibirá a cambio, la cantidad de 150.000 euros, esto es, el valor de mercado de su 50% que es adquirido por Anna.
However, it may very well happen that, for whatever reasons, the termination of the condominium is carried out without receiving any consideration from the condominium owner who leaves the community.
Siguiendo nuestro ejemplo, podría suceder que Mireia sufra una grave enfermedad, ante la cual, su amiga Anna la ayuda a sobreponerse de la situación, la cuida, etc., de modo que, una vez recuperada, Mireia, como muestra de gratitud, procede a extinguir el condominio existente en la vivienda de Puigcerdà pero sin pedir nada a cambio a Anna (o en su caso, un importe inferior al valor de mercado, por ejemplo, 50.000 euros).
This is perfectly possible, but nevertheless, in such a case this procedure will have tax consequences, since it is considered that in such a case a donation has taken place, so that tax will have to be paid for it.
If two or more persons share the ownership of a property, and one of them wishes to extinguish the condominium and leave the community, he/she must proceed as follows:
First of all, this co-owner must communicate his will to abandon the shared property, so that the other co-owner or co-owners, if they so wish, can acquire his or her share. From here on, it can happen:
On the other hand, if there is more than one co-owner, this may happen:
On the other hand, if none of the current condominium owners is interested in acquiring this participation, the co-owner who wishes to leave the community may sell it to a third party, for the price and conditions agreed upon, but always respecting the right of first refusal of the other co-owners, in the terms set forth in a previous question.
Finally, in the event that all the condominium owners wish to leave the community, the property can simply be put up for sale, and the sale price obtained will be distributed according to the % of participation of each one of them.
In practice, it is very common that, especially in the case of couples who acquire homes jointly (usually 50-50%), later, when the relationship breaks up, the need arises to determine what to do with the home that is no longer the common domicile of both parties.
If the parties reach an agreement on which of the two will be awarded the property, as well as the compensation that the other co-owner will receive in exchange, there is no problem, since the extinction will be formalized without further impediments.
On the other hand, if both co-owners are interested in acquiring the whole of the property, and do not agree, the aforementioned rule of the Catalan Civil Code will be applied, in which case the award will be made by lots (as long as the property belongs 50-50% to each co-owner).
If the parties do not agree on how this lottery is conducted, the matter should be brought to court for resolution by the judicial authority as appropriate.
In practice, it is also very common that, when the extinction of the condominium is proposed, the property in question is mortgaged, so this is also a situation to be managed. This usually happens in many occasions in couples that jointly buy a house (50-50%) and later put an end to their relationship, wanting one of them to be awarded half of the property.
In these cases, it is necessary to understand that, from an ideal point of view, it will be necessary, in addition to extinguishing the condominium, to proceed to grant a mortgage novation deed, so that the former co-owner who now owns 100% of the property (i.e., the one who keeps the apartment) remains the sole debtor of the secured loan, thus releasing the other co-owner who has left the community.
However, for this to be the case, it is necessary for the bank to consent to this novation, since in short, before it had two debtors to guarantee the repayment of the loan, whereas now it will only have one debtor to face the debt, with which, this debtor (the new owner of the entire apartment exclusively) will have to present sufficient economic capacity to assume exclusively the payment of the loan.
Therefore, it may happen that if the co-owner who will keep the entire property does not have sufficient income to pay the loan exclusively, the bank rejects the novation, with which, the extinction of the condominium will be very difficult, because although the co-owner who leaves the community is no longer the owner of the property, he will continue to be the holder of a loan in his name that he must pay and that, in case of non-payment, will generate serious consequences for his patrimony.
In these cases, in practice, the extinction of the condominium is either ruled out or, if it is carried out, the co-owners sign a private document in which one of them agrees to assume the loan installments exclusively, but as we indicated, this is not a good solution, since this private agreement is not enforceable against the creditor, so that if the new owner of the entire apartment does not pay the loan, the bank may claim jointly and severally to the two debtors, with all that this will entail.
In general terms (and without prejudice to the specific particularities of certain singular operations), the extinctions of condominiums will be subject to the following taxation:
The granting co-proprietors will have to provide their DNI. In the case of a foreigner, a passport and the corresponding NIE will be required.
In the event that one of the parties is a company, a copy of:
a) Deed of incorporation (and, if applicable, subsequent deeds modifying the same, such as a change of company name, registered office, etc.) must also be provided.
b) Deed of appointment of the company's representative (such as, for example, the deed appointing the sole director of the company as such).
c) Deed of manifestation of beneficial ownership (document identifying the natural person who, if applicable, holds more than 25% of the company's share capital).
In any case, the notary's office will also carry out a telematic consultation of the Mercantile Registry to verify that all the information provided is correct, up to date and in force.
Authentic copy of the public deed or public document from which the ownership of the property to which the deed will refer (such as, for example, deed of sale, donation, acceptance of inheritance, etc.).
Administrative document that certifies that a dwelling meets the minimum conditions of habitability provided for in the housing regulations, and therefore can be used for the residence of persons.
Official document prepared and signed by a technician (usually an engineer) detailing the energy characteristics of the property in terms of the energy required for its normal use.
Document issued by the secretary of the community of owners, with the approval of its president, certifying that the property in question is up to date with the payment of the general expenses of the community of owners. Also, if possible, it is convenient to request that in the above mentioned certificate it is included mentioning that there does not exist any extraordinary payment or expense pending to pay on the part of the property to the community of proprietors.
In the event that the property is 45 years old or older, it will be necessary to provide the certificate of aptitude of the building, that is, an official document issued by a qualified technician (normally an architect), certifying that the property has been subjected to the corresponding technical inspection of the buildings with a positive result, so that the state of conservation of the building is suitable for its use as a dwelling.
For the purpose of determining whether or not the IBI has already been paid in the current year and, if so, to enable the parties to negotiate who assumes the payment of the same.