Step 1

What is a Depository Deed?

It is the notarial document that allows to consign or keep a certain asset (such as a USB, jewelry, money, etc.), thus ensuring its conservation and custody by the required Notary.

Step 2

What documentation do I need to go to the notary to execute a deed of deposit?

Step 3

How much does it cost to notarize a deed of deposit?

This is a merely informative and non-binding estimate. This estimate is calculated based on two criteria: 1) our knowledge of the Notarial Tariff and 2) our daily experience in the preparation of this type of notarial document. (Royal Decree 1426/1989, November 17, 1989). and 2) our daily experience in the preparation of this type of notarial document. However, any variation (upward or downward) will be duly justified at the time of issuing the final invoice for the notarial service rendered.

Step 4

More frequently asked questions

What is a Depository Deed?

Deposit certificates are a notarial document that reflects an intervention of the Notary Public consisting in accepting a certain good or object in deposit, which is delivered by the client, so that it is kept and guarded by the Notary Public in his office, thus ensuring that it is preserved unchanged.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si una persona compra un juguete para su hijo, y el mismo se halla en mal estado, a resultas de lo cual causa un daño físico al menor, el interesado, para conservar ese juguete y poder acreditar frente a terceros su mal estado, puede optar por depositarlo en una Notaría, consiguiendo así preservar dicho objeto o bien (en este caso, un juguete) en su estado actual, a los efectos de acreditar ante quien corresponda y cuando proceda, la realidad del defecto a resultas del cual se ha causado el daño.<ejemplo>

From a strictly legal point of view, the possibility of notaries being able to make deposit certificates is expressly provided for in Articles 216 and following of the Notarial Regulations, which establish that "notaries may receive in deposit objects, securities, documents and amounts entrusted to them, either as a pledge of contracts or for safekeeping".

What is a Depository Deed for?

As just noted in the preceding question, by means of the act of deposit, the applicant and interested person obtains, as a main effect, to consign or keep a certain property before a Notary, that is, a public official who will guarantee the conservation of such property or object, for the purpose of preserving it for as long as necessary.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si una persona posee un cheque al portador de importe elevado, y no desea guardarlo en su casa, por miedo a que un tercero se lo sustraiga, puede optar por depositar el mismo en una Notaría, a los efectos de asegurar su custodia y conservación.<ejemplo>

Beyond this evident and direct effect that derives from the deposit of the property in the Notary's office, as additional effects, also very important to take into account, it is necessary to indicate the following ones:

In the first place, we will achieve, as it is evident, to assure before third parties that such good or object has remained unaltered during all the time that it has been in the Notary's office, since when being guarded by a Notary, this one, as notary public, gives guarantee before third parties that such good or object, during the time that has been deposited in his office, has not suffered any alteration or modification whatsoever.

<ejemplo>Recuperando pues el ejemplo anterior de un juguete en mal estado que causa un daño a un niño, si los padres del menor plantean interponer una demanda contra el fabricante por los daños causados, para asegurar ante el Juzgado y terceras personas que ese juguete no ha sido alterado durante todo el tiempo que se tarde hasta celebrar el juicio, pueden optar por depositarlo ante Notario, a los efectos de asegurar frente a terceros que durante todo este lapso temporal dicho juguete no ha sido manipulado malintencionadamente por nadie.<ejemplo>

Likewise, by means of a certificate of deposit, any person may prove to third parties that a certain asset is in his possession on a certain date, i.e., the day on which the notarial deposit is made.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si un amigo nos entrega un teléfono de su propiedad que contiene información sensible para su persona, si lo depositamos ante Notario, además de asegurar su conservación, el interesado consigue acreditar frente a terceros que, al menos a la fecha del depósito, dicho teléfono ya se hallaba en su poder, de modo que, el contenido que se halle dentro del teléfono quedará acreditado que es anterior, cuanto menos, a la fecha de ese depósito.<ejemplo>

By means of the deposit certificates, we will also be able to prove, if necessary, that a certain good or object exists on a certain date, that is, the day on which the notarial deposit is made.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si un investigador realiza una tesis doctoral, pero teme que un tercero le pueda plagiar su creación, puede depositar ante Notario un ejemplar físico de su tesis doctoral, a los efectos de que, llegado el caso de que ese tercero publique un artículo con idéntico contenido en fecha posterior, poder demostrar que él ya había realizado esa investigación con anterioridad.<ejemplo>

Likewise, by means of a certificate of deposit, if we combine its characteristics with the certificates of notification, we will also be able to prove, in a reliable way, that a person has placed a certain good or object at the disposal of another person.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si un empleado es despedido de una empresa, pero su empleador no acepta que aquel le retorne la copia de sus llaves del local comercial, el empleado despedido, ante el temor de que el empresario le pueda acusar de utilizar esas llaves ilegítimamente para acceder a las instalaciones de la empresa y causar un daño o protagonizar un hecho delictivo, puede optar por depositar esas llaves ante Notario y solicitar al mismo que notifique este depósito a ese empresario, a los efectos de acreditar frente a cualquiera que a la fecha del acta el empleado ya no posee las llaves y para intimarlo a que acuda a la Notaría a retirar dichas llaves.<ejemplo>

Can a certificate of deposit be used as security for the performance of an obligation?

In fact, the Notarial Regulations allow the use of deposit certificates as a guarantee of compliance with an obligation, if the parties so agree and the Notary Public accepts such request.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si una persona formaliza un contrato de compraventa, en el que parte del precio queda aplazado y sujetado a que se cumpla una determinada condición, las partes pueden pactar que dicho precio (dinero) quede depositado en una Notaría a la espera de que se cumpla la condición, de modo que, cuando ello suceda y la parte correspondiente lo acredite en la forma que se determine, la Notaría le haga entrega de ese importe.<ejemplo>

As it can be observed, with this procedure, it is achieved that after the fulfillment of the obligation, its execution or payment does not remain in the hands of one of the parties, but it will be assigned to the Notary, who, acting as a trusted third party, as soon as the fulfillment of the obligation is accredited, will pay to the corresponding party the amount that has been deposited as guarantee, with which, the parties will have much more legal certainty about the certainty of such payment.

What kind of assets can be deposited in a notary's office?

In essence, any kind of good or object that the interested party wishes, and that the Notary accepts in deposit, can be deposited.

Thus, in practice, the deposit of money, checks, etc. is very common. Although depending on the casuistry and needs of the case, in my notarial practice I have accepted deposits of goods and objects of a very varied nature (such as damaged goods, dolls, a motorcycle helmet, glasses, books, USBs, clothes, keys, CDs, etc.).

In any case, as is logical, it will be necessary to consider the nature and dimensions of the specific property, since it is evident that, depending on the size of the property and object, it will not be possible to deposit it in a notary's office located in an apartment or commercial premises of limited dimensions.

What are the key features of the depository receipts?

One of the fundamental characteristics that the interested parties must take into account in the deposit certificates is that the admission of the same is completely voluntary on the part of the Notary (article 216 of the Notarial Regulations), that is to say, that the Notary is completely free to accept or not the request made by a person to make a notarial deposit, being able to accept it if he/she wishes, or on the contrary, to reject it.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si una persona acude a una oficina notarial a tratar de depositar un bien de grandes dimensiones, como una máquina industrial, o una joya de gran valor, a la vista de las circunstancias, por limitaciones de espacio o por el riesgo patrimonial que ello puede suponer, el Notario, voluntariamente, puede decidir aceptar o rechazar ese requerimiento.<ejemplo>

In addition, it should be noted that the regulations also allow the Notary Public to accept the request, but if necessary, to impose conditions on the depositor.

See more frequently asked questions

What aspects will the Notary Public include in the deposit record?

In accordance with the applicable regulations (Article 217 of the Notarial Regulations), when the Notary Public accepts an asset on deposit (whether it be cash, securities, effects or documents, among others), he/she must draw up a record with the following characteristics:

  • The same must be signed by the depositor or person at his request.
  • The conditions proposed by the notary and accepted by the depositor for the constitution and return of the deposit, as well as all that is necessary for the identification of the deposit, shall be recorded in this document.
  • The deposits of the objects in which their identification is necessary shall be delivered to the notary, closing and sealing them in his presence in such a way as to guarantee that they will not be opened. 
  • In the case of cash deposits, the notary may not obtain for himself, the depositor or a third party a return on the amounts deposited (for this to be the case, the notary must open a specific non-interest-bearing bank account, without the notary being able to perform management functions with respect to such cash, check or funds).

How does the notary keep the deposited goods?

In practice, notaries have security measures (safety boxes, fireproof safety cabinets, etc.) in their notary's office to safeguard the integrity of the goods or objects deposited.

However, the applicable regulations also provide that whenever the notary deems it convenient for his security, he may keep the deposits entrusted to him in a Bank, and in a rented box leased in his name as such notary, thus warning the depositor and recording it in the minutes. 

  • In such case, this safe deposit box may only be opened by the notary or his legal substitute, or by written order of the Board of Directors of the respective Notarial Association or of the General Directorate, as the case may be. 

How will the return of the deposited good or object be carried out?

As indicated above, when the deposit is constituted, the Notary Public and the depositor must agree and reflect in writing the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to proceed with the return of the deposited good or object.

Thus, when the applicant considers it appropriate, and if the agreed conditions are met (i.e., that the person appearing accredits the right he/she has), he/she may go to the Notary's office to request the return of the deposited good or object, after which the Notary will verify that the agreed conditions are met, to finally return the deposited good or object to the corresponding person.

Can the deposited asset be delivered to a third party other than the depositor?

Of course, if the applicant so establishes, and the Notary Public accepts it, it can be determined in the act of deposit that the deposited good or object be delivered to a third person different from the applicant who makes the deposit.

This is very common, especially when the deposit is made as security for the performance of an obligation between parties.

<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si la constructora X suscribe un contrato con el despacho de arquitectos Y para que este último realice un proyecto de urbanización de unos terrenos, las partes pueden pactar que parte del precio del contrato quede aplazado hasta que el despacho de arquitectos consiga todas las licencias y permisos administrativos que correspondan.<ejemplo>

<ejemplo>En este caso, las partes pueden pactar que ese pago aplazado (por ejemplo, un cheque de 50.000 euros) quede depositado en la Notaría, de modo que cuando el despacho de arquitectos acredite que se han obtenido estos permisos y licencias, presentando copia de los mismos en la Notaría, el Notario les haga entrega del cheque.<ejemplo>

What are the limitations to be taken into account in the minutes of deposit?

As is logical, the regulations governing deposit certificates determine that notaries cannot accept them:

  • Nor illicitly traded goods(such as, for example, a narcotic substance).
  • Nor goods or objects that are deposited as security for acts or contracts contrary to law or public order(such as, for example, a deposit of money to be paid to a third party when it is proven that such person has caused damage or aggression to a third party).

Likewise, it is necessary to indicate that if the object deposited is a computer program, the content of which cannot be reasonably known by the Notary, he will only admit the deposit if the depositing applicant declares that the content of the program is not contrary to the law or public order.

Does the deposit record prove the authenticity of the goods or objects deposited?

Of course, the only thing that the deposit before a Notary Public proves is that a certain person has deposited a specific good or object on a specific day, without implying any additional effect in which the Notary Public can give any kind of faith on the origin or authenticity of such good or object.

Is it possible to grant a "mixed" certificate?

Of course, the interested parties should also be aware that, depending on the specific circumstances of the case, it is also possible to grant what may be called a mixed deed, that is, a deposit deed, in which a certain good or object is deposited at the Notary's office, but which also combines characteristics of other types of deeds, such as, for example, deeds of manifestations, if in addition the applicant makes some kind of manifestation or declaration that he/she wishes to incorporate into said deed.

How is a certificate of deposit granted?

Granting a deposit deed is a very simple act. The interested party must contact the notary's office and arrange the date and time of the request.

At the agreed date and time, the applicant shall appear at the notary's office with the property or object to be deposited, and after being identified by the Notary and after examining the property or object and the proposed conditions (to verify that all the applicable legal requirements are met), the deposit deed shall be authorized, and the property or object shall thereafter remain in the custody of the Notary, until the agreed conditions are met and reflected in the deed for its return to the appropriate person.

Finally, the Notary will prepare an authentic copy for the client, so that he/she can take a copy of his/her document with him/her, in which all the actions carried out are reflected, so that he/she can make the corresponding use of said document.

Step 5

Where can I consult the applicable regulations?

Step 6

Make an appointment