It is the notarial document by means of which, within the framework of a building or urban complex, it is possible to identify and delimit its private elements susceptible of individualized use (such as the different floors of a block), as well as its common elements (such as the staircase, the patios, etc.), thus establishing a singular legal regime that will regulate the community relations existing between the different owners of those private elements.
The following calculator offers the user/consumer the possibility of knowing with great accuracy the expenses that he/she will have to face at the time of formalizing a horizontal division of a property. This calculator has parameterized both the notary and registry fees as well as the regional regulations in force depending on the location of the property that is the object of the horizontal division.
As indicated above, the horizontal division deed is the legal instrument by means of which, within the framework of a building or urban complex, it is possible to identify and delimit its private elements susceptible of individualized use (such as the different floors of a block), as well as its common elements (such as the staircase, the patios, etc.), thus establishing a singular legal regime that will regulate the community relations existing between the different owners of those private elements.
<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si la constructora “CONSTRUCCIONES XYZ, SL”, adquiere un terreno, y construye en él un bloque de viviendas plurifamiliares, en el que existirán 12 pisos independientes, una vez finalice su construcción, deberá otorgar la escritura de división horizontal, a los efectos de declarar, identificar e individualizar esos 12 pisos (describiendo sus características, tamaño, linderos, etc.), así como los elementos comunes de la edificación (la escalera, en su caso los patios, o la piscina comunitaria, etc.).<ejemplo>
From a legal point of view, as established in the Catalan Civil Code (art. 553-1 CCCat), the legal regime of horizontal property implies, for the owners, the right of exclusive ownership over the private elements and in community with the other owners over the common elements.
In relation to the horizontal division and the community regime that will be created with it, it is necessary for all interested parties to take into account the following fundamental issues:
In accordance with Catalan civil legislation, buildings and any other real estate, even those under construction, in which private elements, consisting of dwellings, premises or physical spaces susceptible of functional independence and attribution to different owners, coexist with common elements necessary for the proper use and enjoyment of the private elements, may be subject to horizontal property.
The properties that wish to be subject to the horizontal property regime will be bound to it from the moment the incorporation deed is granted, that is to say, from the moment the Notary Public is approached to sign the horizontal division deed, which can be done even if the construction is not finished (however, in practice, in new constructions this procedure is usually carried out when the construction is already finished or practically finished).
Indeed, the deed of incorporation, i.e., the deed of horizontal division executed before a Notary Public, is recorded in the Land Registry in accordance with mortgage legislation, and for the purposes established by this legislation.
In this inscription, a general description of the property will be made, and also, of as many pages as there are private properties.
In accordance with the Catalan civil legislation, the owner or owners of the property who are the owners at the time of the granting of the deed of incorporation are entitled to establish the horizontal property regime.
The title of constitution of the horizontal property regime must be recorded in a public deed, that is, the deed of horizontal division that is being analyzed throughout these questions.
In such deed, in any case, it must be stated:
As we have just commented, if the constitutive title of the community of owners is the deed of horizontal division, for its modification, it will be necessary to grant a deed of modification of said horizontal division.
<ejemplo>Así pues, puede suceder que, una vez otorgada la escritura de división horizontal, sea necesario modificar la misma, por ejemplo para cambiar la descripción de alguno de sus elementos, cambios de superficies, el cambio de estatutos de la comunidad, la colocación de un nuevo elemento como un ascensor, etc.<ejemplo>
In such a case, this deed of modification of the horizontal division must be executed, with the particularity that, in order for this to be possible, it will be necessary that such modification be endorsed by the corresponding resolution of the owners' meeting (adopted by the quorum required by law) and that the requirements required by law for the type of modification in question be observed in the deed of modification.
However, the agreement of the owners' meeting shall not be required for the modification of the incorporation title if it is motivated by the following facts:
The horizontal property regime is voluntarily extinguished by unanimous agreement of the meeting of owners or, as the case may be, by decision of the sole owner. Thus, if all the owners of the different private elements (or only one if he/she is the owner of all of them) decide to terminate it, the termination can be formalized by executing the corresponding public deed and registering it in the Property Registry.
In any case, it is necessary to know that the agreement or decision requires the consent of the holders of rights in rem over the private or common elements affected (which shall be presumed to have been granted if the holder of the right in rem has not expressed its opposition to the agreement or decision within one month from the date on which it was notified).
Likewise, it is necessary to know that the horizontal property regime will also be extinguished in the event of destruction, declaration of ruin and forced expropriation of the property.
As indicated in a previous question, the constitution of a community in horizontal property regime will necessarily imply assigning to each privative element(for example, to each floor of the block of apartments) a participation quota, that is to say, a certain % that will serve:
As indicated above, the participation quotas corresponding to the private elements are expressed as a percentage (%) of the total of the property, and they are fixed proportionally to the surface area and taking into account the use, purpose and other physical and legal data of the assets comprising the community.
<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si uno de los pisos tiene 100 metros cuadrados de superficie construida, se le asignará por ejemplo una cuota del 10%, mientras que otro que tenga 50 metros cuadrados, se le asignará una cuota del 5%.<ejemplo>
Finally, it should be noted that the participation fees are determined and modified by unanimous agreement of the owners or, if this is not possible, by means of the judicial authority or an extrajudicial conflict resolution procedure.
The bylaws of the community are, broadly speaking, the fundamental rules that will govern the legal relations between the different owners of the private elements that make up the community.
Thus, the bylaws of the community shall contain the legal regime to which the community is subject, with special reference to the following issues:
Likewise, the bylaws of the community may be complemented by what are called "Internal Regulations", i.e., a regulation of a lower rank than the bylaws, which will include the internal rules concerning the relations of coexistence and good neighborliness among the owners and the use of the elements of common use and of the facilities(such as, for example, the rules for the use of a community swimming pool that the community has).
In view of the above, the interested parties should bear in mind that when granting the deed of horizontal division, the owner or owners of the elements comprising the same must provide bylaws to that effect.
The community of owners created by the horizontal division will be managed through the three main bodies provided for by law, i.e. the presidency, the secretariat and the board of owners.
In relation to them, it is necessary to point out the following issues:
As it is logical, a community of owners, as a general rule, will have a series of expenses (for example, maintenance of the elevator, cleaning, maintenance of a community pool or garden, etc.) that will be necessary to take care of for the proper functioning of the community.
Likewise, in certain cases (more exceptional, of course), the communities of owners may also be holders of credits or income in their favor, as for example in the case of a block of apartments that has a dwelling used as a porter's lodge that is rented out and through this rental income is obtained.
Thus, starting from this basis, it is necessary to understand that the participation of each owner, both in the income and in the expenses of the community, will be determined by his participation quota, so that all the owners will be joint owners of the income and expenses of the community, corresponding to each one of them the corresponding % according to his participation quota.
<ejemplo>Así pues, por ejemplo, si los gastos fijos ordinarios de la comunidad son de 1.000 euros al mes, y al propietario del ático le corresponde una cuota de participación del 10%, deberá abonar 100 euros mensuales de gastos de comunidad, mientras que si al propietario del 1º-1ª le corresponde una cuota del 5%, en su caso deberá abonar 50 euros mensuales de gastos de comunidad.<ejemplo>
The real condition of the private elements implies that the law, in order to ensure that all the owners face the ordinary and extraordinary expenses that correspond to them in the community, establishes a guarantee of payment of such debts on the property in question, so that, if the owner does not pay the corresponding expenses, the community can take legal action against the owner, and if the owner has no assets with which to respond to the payment, the community could even take action against the property (requesting its seizure and judicial execution) in order to collect its credit.
This guarantee will be extended to the debts of both the current owner of the property and the previous owners, so that, when a sale of a property subject to the horizontal property regime takes place, it will be necessary to provide a certificate of the state of debts with the community of owners, so that the buyer can verify whether or not there is any outstanding debt with the community (because in case there is, when acquiring the property, the new owner will be affected by this real condition, so he must have this information before the formalization of the transaction).
As it is logical, beyond the ordinary expenses that the community may have each month (paying the staircase light, elevator maintenance, staircase cleaning, etc.), it is normal that, with the passage of time, the need to make extraordinary expenses arises for the proper maintenance of the building (for example, to change some element that has been broken).
In order to be able to pay these extraordinary expenses, the law determines that, in the budget of the community, an amount of not less than 5% of the common expenses must be included, destined to the constitution of a reserve fund to have funds (or "savings") with which to be able to adequately face these extraordinary expenses.
In relation to this fund, it is necessary to take into account that:
In fact, the Catalan Civil Code differentiates between three types of horizontal division, namely:
Thus, depending on the nature and typology of the building or land in question, the particularities of each of these horizontal property regimes must be taken into account for their adequate constitution and management.
Indeed, the granting of the deed of horizontal division is subject to taxation by the Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty, in its modality of Stamp Duty, with a taxable base of the value of the building and a tax rate, in the Catalan case, of 1.5%.
The taxpayer of the tax will be the owner or owners who grant the deed of horizontal division, and for its payment they will have a period of one month from the accrual of the same, that is to say, from the date of signature of the deed.
The grantors must always present their DNI at the notary's office. In the case of a foreigner, a passport and the corresponding NIE will be required.
In the event that the grantor is a company, a certified copy of:
a) Deed of incorporation (and, if applicable, subsequent deeds modifying the same, such as a change of company name, registered office, etc.) must also be provided.
b) Deed of appointment of the company's representative (such as, for example, the deed appointing the sole director of the company as such).
c) Deed of manifestation of beneficial ownership (document identifying the natural person who, if applicable, holds more than 25% of the company's share capital).
In any case, the notary's office will also carry out a telematic consultation of the Mercantile Registry to verify that all the information provided is correct, up to date and in force.
Document signed by an architect describing the general characteristics of the building, as well as those of the private entities resulting from the division (with details of their dimensions, surface areas, boundaries and participation quotas) and of the common areas.
Plans to the corresponding scale, showing the resulting reality of the property, including the number of dwellings or private establishments of individual use, as well as their surface area, apartments and urban use.
Administrative act issued by the Town Hall where the property is located authorizing the constitution of the horizontal property regime (or, if applicable, its modification).
This document will contain the legal regime of the community, containing rules relating to the determination of the destination, use and exploitation of the private and common elements, the limitations of use and other charges of the private elements, the exercise of rights and the fulfillment of obligations of the owners, the application of the expenses and income of the community and the distribution of charges and benefits, if applicable, the complementary governing bodies of the community, as well as the form of management and administration.