Attached (HERE) Resolution of the General Directorate of Legal Security and Public Faith of November 4, 2024 (BOE of November 22, 2024), in which the General Directorate resolves a case related to the registration of a judicial sentence where a purchase-sale is declared resolved.
The assumption is based on a purchase and sale (where the buyer, in order to finance the purchase, requests a mortgage loan, which is registered at the time of formalizing the purchase and sale). Once the purchase-sale is formalized, disagreements arise between the parties, which end up with a judicial conflict. This judicial procedure concludes by declaring the purchase-sale resolved, that is to say, leaving it without effect, and the parties must return to each other the reciprocal benefits (that is to say, the property to the seller and the price paid to the buyer).
Once this judgment has been presented for registration in the Land Registry, the interesting position of the mortgagee arises, who has legitimately registered his right before this whole dispute arises and is resolved.
At this point, the DG, aligning itself with the criterion of the Registrar, resolves that, in these cases, in order to be able to register the resolution of the sale and purchase (that is, that the house ceases to be in the name of the "buyer" and returns to be registered in the name of the "seller"), it will be necessary, first of all, to prove the deposit of the amounts owed and, above all, to prove the consent of the creditor bank (i.e., the bank holding the mortgage right in rem will have to give its consent ), the bank holder of the real right of mortgage will have to consent to it), since not having the claim noted at the time of the appearance of the mortgage holder, by imperative mandate of the Mortgage Law (articles 20, 37, 40 and 82) the cancellation or modification of the entries of subsequent holders is prevented without their express or tacit, voluntary or forced consent.
Therefore, be very careful in these litigious situations, because beyond the judicial victory, it will be necessary to negotiate with the creditor bank in order to get the debt cancelled and to get the bank to agree to the registration of the resolution of the purchase-sale, otherwise, it will not be possible, and the judicial victory will be blurred.